Does your husband have to remove a driveway-full of bikes before he can park his car? Is he a neat freak who comes home to Mount Fold-me on the couch every day?

proj. 11 stress reduction imageToday’s focus is to remove one stressor from his life. Figure out what makes him feel a tiny sense of defeat each day and plan to remove it.

Prayer for Today
Dear God, let me do these things, not to be noticed, but so my husband will feel loved and honored, even in the little things.

Getting Creative

  • Does the sound of Cartoon Network blaring when he gets home drive your guy nuts? Maybe some Mozart (or Creedence Clearwater Revival) would be a better sound to greet him with.
  • Does your he-man need to wade through piles of make-up and “product” just to brush his teeth? Time to declare some man territory in the bathroom. Put your stuff in baskets or on shelves so he has clear access to all his gear.
  • Where’s his favorite spot in the house? If it’s the chair by the TV, make sure the remote is handy and his news magazine is at hand.

Your Project:
Remove some little annoyance from his life.