We’re still listening in on our three Project Managers. Here’s the response from one of the Managers, who also happens to be a nursing mom:


Like you, S, I FULLY fell off the bandwagon last week as our routine was off due to Thanksgiving. So…I will look at week 3 and make some plans.

I LOVE that you two went on a date! J and I have a date this Friday–dinner out and a Sharks hockey game–the funny part will be me pumping in the car between. HAHAHA! But it will be good to get out and not have anyone interrupt our conversation–like, say, a 4 year old.

I’m wondering if either of your husbands have wondered what the heck is going on? Any reactions at all in that way? J has not really–which, either means I am not doing enough to get his attention OR I am a pretty nice wife most of the time? Not sure which quite yet. “