Three Important Tips in Packing a Toiletries Bag
Here are three important tips that you need to remember when packing your toiletries bag:
1. Go for the smallest toiletries bag possible. It seems easier to get a big bag, you know like those old train cases that our parents used to pack, but when you try to pack a big bag, you end up bringing things that you do not really need just because you have room. And you will end up with every cream, lotion, and perfume you own. All of a sudden you are bringing face cream that you have not used in ten years! If you must have room, larger bags can be handy in organizing your items as long as you get one with separate compartments that you can put your hair products in, first iad supplies in , and cosmetics in for quick finding.
2. Think about your traveling style. If you are going to be carrying on your luggage, you will have to put liquids in specific bottles that carry less than 3.4 ounces. The guidelines are specific and will be checked! And remember, toothpaste is considered a liquid. Yep, I had a friend who had to dump a brand new tube! Of course, it was the extra large whitening kind. Be prepared so you don’t waste money!
3. Pack extra baggies just in case. Besides putting each container in a separate baggy so liquid does not accidentally open and spill, it is a good idea to bring extra baggies. Whether you need them for a quick clean up or to bring stained clothes home, it is good to have extras. Believe me, you will thank me when your little one decides that he is done potty training and decides to go right.then.and.there.
Traveling can be fun, and with these quick tips, your toiletries bag will be a place that you can find needed supplies, not another area of stress. What good tips can you share as far as packing a toiletries bag?