Eps. #315: The Clutter Free Move

Eps. #315: The Clutter Free Move

Tonya has just lived my nightmare; not only did she move, she moved into a smaller house.

You would think that this would have sent her into a corner, rocking back and forth, but not Tonya. As the leader of Clutter Free Academy on Facebook Tonya has learned more than a thing or two about how to do life Clutter Free – including moving all of her earthly possessions.

And now, Tonya and I will share everything we’ve learned about moving in the midst of getting rid of clutter.

In this info-filled interview, you will learn how to:
• make decisions about what to bring and what to get rid of
• change your attitude about keeping stuff “just in case”
• give things away with an attitude of abundance

After the interview, I asked Tonya to share with me her 3 rules for holding a yard sale/giveaway. Here is what Tonya encourages you to state:

  1. No Holds: Your objective is to get rid of stuff, not to establish layaway programs.
  2. No Negotiating: This will considerably lessen your stress on the day. Price things to move!
  3. No Give-Backs: Once you take it, it’s yours. Tonya had her couch returned 3 times because people failed to measure their space or the couch. Eventually, they ended up taking it to the dump – what a waste – especially since the right buyer may have stopped by at some point while the couch was on a field trip.

I’m thrilled to have Tonya back on the show! Join us if you are planning a move, or ever plan on moving – you will thank me!


Thanks to Our Sponsor: Duck Pack and Track


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Special thanks to Tonya Kubo for joining me this week. Until next time.


Meet Our Guest

Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious, fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter-Free Academy Facebook group. She and her husband, Brian, are raising two spirited girls in the agricultural heart of California. She writes about fighting the demons of comparison, clutter and compulsion on www.tonyakubo.com.

Praying God’s Word for Your Life- MAJOR SALE!

Praying God’s Word for Your Life- MAJOR SALE!

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Description of Praying God’s Word for Your Life:

Many of us find it easy to pray for the concerns and well-being of others. But when it comes to praying for ourselves, we may wonder, Should I pray for my own needs? Are any prayers too big or too small? Are my prayers selfish? Does praying really make a difference?

Praying God’s Word for Your Life gives women the direction and Scripture we need to bring purpose and power to our prayers. In her warm, approachable style, Kathi Lipp shares more than one hundred specific prayers for our lives, relationships, worries, mistakes, faith, and more. The simple strategies Kathi reveals will help each of us create a habit of praying with renewed boldness, consistency, and expectation.