#648 The 5 Meal Prep Habits You Should Build in 2025

#648 The 5 Meal Prep Habits You Should Build in 2025

648 – The 5 Meal Prep Habits You Should Build in 2025

Hey there, friends! Have you ever stared into your kitchen at 5 pm, wondering what on earth you’re going to make for dinner?

In this eye-opening episode of Clutter Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo dive deep into the world of meal preparation, offering listeners a lifeline to more organized and stress-free cooking. Drawing from their own experiences of kitchen chaos, they share seven transformative habits that can turn even the most overwhelmed home cook into a meal prep master.

Listener will discover:

  • Practical strategies for meal planning that actually work
  • Techniques to reduce dinnertime stress and save time and money
  • Insights for families with diverse dietary needs and preferences

Whether you’re a busy parent, a working professional, or someone who dreads cooking, this episode offers practical, achievable strategies to transform your kitchen experience.

Order your copy of Sabbath Soup here and sign up to receive your free ebook featuring four week’s worth of easy meal plans and delicious recipes.

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Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest

Kathi Lipp gives readers an easy-to-follow process for meal planning and prep, so that they can enjoy a full day each week of real rest and refreshment.

Could you use a break from cooking (and everything else) once a week? Not only is rest vital for your mind and body, it’s good for your soul too. God designed us to enter into Sabbath rest one day per week, but as you know, meals still need to be made. Your family still needs to be fed.

Sabbath Soup includes convenient, seasonal meal plans that take the guesswork out of shopping and cooking. More than just a collection of delicious recipes—including main dishes, breads, breakfasts, desserts, salads, sides, and yes, soups—this is your guide to establishing a weekly rhythm and routine of meal planning and prep that allows you to have a true day off.

Do something good for your soul and experience the peace that comes with a full day dedicated to spending time with God, family, and friends. Savor your Sabbath as you proudly proclaim, “Soup’s on!”

Order your copy of Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest here.

Links Mentioned:

Garam Masala Spice

Butter Chicken, and thanks to twosleevers.com for this recipe!

Clutter Free Resources:

Can you share a simple meal prep technique for someone just starting?

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Meet Our Guest 


Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


Tonya Kubo Picture

Kathi Lipp (00:29.174)

Well, hey friends, welcome to Clutter Free Academy where our goal is to help you take small doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life. And we are back today. We are trying to get some habits. And can I just say habits are hard for those of us on the cluttery spectrum, but we’re gonna try to do this gently and easily. And I am here with one of my best cluttery friends. It’s Tonya Kubo.

Tonya, are you a habit kind of person? Would you consider yourself a habit kind of person?

Tonya Kubo (01:03.981)

So here’s what I always say, right? We cluttery folks deeply resist and resent the habits and routines we so desperately need, right? And I am right there. I am right there with you, Kathi. It is hard. It’s just hard. But I need them.

Kathi Lipp (01:13.697)

It’s so true, right?

Kathi Lipp (01:20.234)

Yeah, think, yeah, I think our brains crave excitement. Would they crave variety and interest? And I know you’re like me, I’m always trying to find a better way to do things. I’m always looking for a process improvement. The hitch on that is you have to have a process in order to have an improvement. And so

Tonya Kubo (01:45.157)


Kathi Lipp (01:47.358)

Have been catches catch can for most of my life, but I’m trying to put habits into my life very gently not punishing myself not saying you’re a terrible person if you don’t do this on this day and Really trying to say okay Kathi you benefit so much if you can think ahead just a little bit if you can do a couple of things in advance you don’t have to do everything in advance, but when I I

Tonya Kubo (01:55.044)


Kathi Lipp (02:16.65)

I also need to take the moment when I do do the habits to say, your life just got a little bit easier. It just got a little bit better. And so we’ve talked about decluttering and we’re talking about cleaning and things like that. But I also want to talk about meal prep habits. And this has really come to fruition for me with publishing Sabbath soup and recognizing, okay, I do have some habits.

Tonya Kubo (02:24.187)


Tonya Kubo (02:43.439)


Kathi Lipp (02:43.648)

Like they were never really laid out But I did some things to take care of my future self and that’s really all we’re talking about in this series about habits Is how to take care of our future self? So I know you don’t do things like I do Tonya you have another cook in the house Roger can cook it is not his love language He but you know like today he

I made butter chicken over the weekend. By the way, I’m so mad at myself that I did not put that in Sabbath Soup because that is a, it’s easy and it’s a banging recipe. But absolutely, absolutely. You just have to have one ingredient that you might not have and I’ll never be able to say it. It’s the Marsala spice. How do you say the first word?

Tonya Kubo (03:14.363)


Tonya Kubo (03:19.908)


Tonya Kubo (03:24.379)

So you’re going to put that in the show notes, right, Kathi? Totally putting you on the spot.

Tonya Kubo (03:38.593)

it’s Garam Masala. There’s no R in the second word.

Kathi Lipp (03:42.272)

I knew Masala. Okay Marsala is like Italian Kathi. Okay, but I’ve never Yeah It’s And you know if you had said it to me I might have said I’ve never heard those words before but that’s like the only Unusual and everything else can will either be in your freezer or in your spice pantry. So

Tonya Kubo (03:48.229)

And I am sure somebody listening will say, that’s not how you say it, Tonya. And that’s okay, we wanna be corrected.

Kathi Lipp (04:08.8)

It’s a very easy recipe, you guys will like it. You do need heavy cream, but I have eaten it without the heavy cream and it’s still delicious. Okay, so I know we said five habits, but I’m gonna give you seven because I’ve done a few things recently that have kind of changed things for me and I wanna share about those too. Okay, so number one, weekly menu planning. So every Monday I make a meal plan. Now, let me tell you, there are points of entry.

Tonya Kubo (04:26.629)


Kathi Lipp (04:36.994)

for the meal planning, okay? So if we are broke, the point of entering, and when I say broke, it’s like, okay, we’re just really trying to watch our funds and that’s our current top priority. So what I will do is I will get into the inventory. I’ll see what we have in our freezer. I’ll see what we have in our pantry. I’ll mostly see what might stand up and walk away in a week if we don’t use it. And I’ll plan around what we already have.

If time is a big issue, then probably what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna make a meal plan based mostly on prepared foods. So what can I do with a Costco chicken or, you know, let’s just do the katsu from Costco because yum. Like those are the things I’ll do. So there’s time and money and then energy.

If I know it’s going to be an especially stressful week or exhausting week, we’re going a lot of places, then it’s kind of the same thing as the time thing, but I will do things that have no prep needed. I don’t mind putting on like a pot of rice or throwing some baked potatoes, but I’m not doing anything like searing. If the recipe says chop an onion, it’s not happening on a low energy week.

Tonya Kubo (06:00.827)


Kathi Lipp (06:01.228)

Like here’s a simple meal, first chop an onion. I’m out, I’m out, I’m out. Like I like to be able to just combine ingredients sometimes. And then the other thing for me is I know we talk about space, time, energy and money, but let’s instead of space, let’s talk about stress. Maybe you have some people in your family who are like, I only like buttered noodles. Like I’m going to live on butter noodles until I die.

Tonya Kubo (06:05.883)


Tonya Kubo (06:20.635)


Tonya Kubo (06:27.675)


Kathi Lipp (06:30.822)

What what can you do if you know it’s going to be a particularly stressful week? Maybe you have in-laws coming in Maybe you’re a teacher and it’s parent teacher like you may just need to cook for comfort or buy for comfort and so whatever weekly menu plan Accomplishes that make that happen. How do you plan for meals in your family Tonya?

Tonya Kubo (06:54.807)

Yeah, so for me it has to, I mean there is a whole process. So we start with inventorying. My goal is to go to the store as little as humanly possible. And ideally, Brian’s is to go as often as possible. So my second goal is to keep Brian out of the store as much as possible. So for me, like my ideal situation is grocery pickup every two weeks. We’re not there yet. The most we can do is like every week and a half because

Kathi Lipp (07:00.629)


Kathi Lipp (07:04.222)

Mm-hmm, and Brian’s is to go as much as possible.

mm-hmm okay

Kathi Lipp (07:19.927)

Mm-hmm. Wow.


Tonya Kubo (07:23.321)

children as anybody listening can attest are fruit bats. That’s all they do. They like four pounds of strawberries, not enough strawberries to hold them through until tomorrow. It’s just how it is. So inventory first, then based on inventory is when I create my meal plan because I want to use up as much as I have. And then the shopping list comes last. It’s the staples that I need. So in our case, it’s a lot of fresh fruit and then it’s, you know, it’s fresh fruit. It’s milk usually.

Kathi Lipp (07:27.488)


Kathi Lipp (07:34.266)

my goodness.

Kathi Lipp (07:45.71)


Kathi Lipp (07:49.187)


Tonya Kubo (07:52.463)

That’s our two staples and eggs. My people eat a lot of eggs. And then from there, it is, you know, then we do our shopping list and we go from there. I do the meal. If meals are going to be planned, I have to do them. Brian is somebody who wants to decide at five o’clock what he wants to eat at 530. And in many cases, what he wants to eat won’t be ready until 730.

Kathi Lipp (07:52.93)



Kathi Lipp (08:02.744)


Kathi Lipp (08:06.606)


Kathi Lipp (08:13.614)


Kathi Lipp (08:17.77)

Right, right.

Tonya Kubo (08:18.787)

So I try to do the planning ahead. Cause if I say, hey, tonight’s dinner is Korean beef, you need to start it at four o’clock. He will start the Korean Beef at four o’clock. But if I say tonight’s, yeah, but if I say tonight’s dinner is Korean Beef, he will not even think about starting it until he is too hungry.

Kathi Lipp (08:28.654)

Perfect. But you have to… Yeah.

Kathi Lipp (08:39.286)

Right, and can I just tell you, cooking while hungry, I want to be a nice person. I’m normally a nice person, I, yeah, or what I’ll do is I’ll snack the whole time that I’m cooking and then I couldn’t, yeah, yeah. Like right now, it’s not strawberries for us, but those big fatty blueberries right now, I could eat.

Tonya Kubo (08:49.957)


Tonya Kubo (08:56.261)

That’s what he does, yeah.

Tonya Kubo (09:04.877)

Mmm, yeah, those are tasty.

Kathi Lipp (09:06.79)

whole tray of those by myself and then who who needs Butter Chicken no thank you yeah so I planning your meals will save you so much mental stress and also keep from you you from being a snack monster or and there’s nothing wrong with snacking it’s just you don’t want to cook a whole meal and like I know thank you okay so monday I do the planning Tuesday

Tonya Kubo (09:12.762)


Tonya Kubo (09:22.885)


Kathi Lipp (09:36.23)

This is number two is the inventory and shopping list now if we’re trying to save money I’m doing my inventory first. I usually know what’s in the fridge I usually can kind of figure that out, but I am Tuesday is the day where it’s like, okay What do we actually what did I think we had and what do we actually have? And you know, is it still good that kind of thing? So I tend to do Sam’s cart

Tonya Kubo (09:45.423)


Tonya Kubo (09:57.775)


Kathi Lipp (10:04.27)

I also tend to do like a grocery store run for smaller, especially perishable things that we’re not gonna eat quite as much of. What’s your shopping strategy, Tonya? You do the order too, right?

Tonya Kubo (10:17.691)

Well, yeah, so there is, I don’t have a lot of options for grocery pickups. So there is a store in like halfway in between where Abby goes to school and where we live in a different town. And so I’ll try to do grocery pickup there, but I can only do it on Wednesdays because Wednesdays is the only time when there’s enough of a difference between when she gets out of school and when Lily gets out of school to be able to hit that sweet spot.

Kathi Lipp (10:28.642)


Kathi Lipp (10:40.782)

I love that strategy though. I love that. Yes.

Tonya Kubo (10:45.145)

Yeah. So it’s like pick up Abby from school, hit Walmart, pick up the groceries, go get Lily. And then I have two girls and groceries to put away.

Kathi Lipp (10:55.182)

But you know what? You know! You know, isn’t it nice that it’s been decided for you?

Tonya Kubo (11:01.507)

Right. And then if we need something, we have a grocery store that’s not even a quarter of a mile away. It’s just pricier, you know? And so that’s the trade off, right? It’s like, okay, we know what they have. We know we can run in and get something, but we also know we’ll leave like spending triple what we expected.

Kathi Lipp (11:07.958)

Right. Yes.

Kathi Lipp (11:19.156)

I love it. We shop on the same day. It’s, you know, I’ll be thinking of you next time. Okay. Thursday. This is number three. Have a prep day. So for me, this is the day where I prep wash and cut vegetables. Do I need to saute some meat? Do I need to get the meat off of a chicken? If I’m feeling extra saucy, do I need to spatchcock something?

Tonya Kubo (11:24.335)


Kathi Lipp (11:48.718)

That is my day to prep the food because prep is to me is different than cooking Like and it may not be for everybody, but it’s so nice to go into cooking day where I’m like, okay I can just throw everything and I’ve I’m doing the lettuce for at least half the week You know if you get it nice and dry it could almost last an entire week. I’m washing the fruit for a week

Tonya Kubo (11:48.795)


Tonya Kubo (11:57.157)


Kathi Lipp (12:16.931)

I am chopping up veggies that I’m gonna throw into sautees and stuff for a week. Are you a prep and cook on the same night kind of person or what’s your deal?

Tonya Kubo (12:28.013)

Yeah, it just depends. So for me, if I’m going to do any prep, my only options for prep are Friday nights or Saturdays because my work week is so heavily scheduled. So I will do that. My family will not use prep prep stuff, though. That’s old to them. And because we have listeners, I’m just going to say big fat air quotes around old because we all know it’s not old. It’s perfectly fine. But they get to tell themselves whatever stories they want.

Kathi Lipp (12:38.045)


Kathi Lipp (12:45.115)


Kathi Lipp (12:58.328)

They really should not eat in restaurants. Because I have worked in a restaurant and prep is really, really important. Yeah, anyway, well, you know what? I don’t have to live with them. that’s just fine. That’s just fine. Okay, so we’ve got through our first three. So weekly menu planning, do an inventory and shopping list, and then a prep day.

Tonya Kubo (13:01.25)

I know.


Tonya Kubo (13:08.709)


Tonya Kubo (13:20.411)


Kathi Lipp (13:26.198)

We’re going to take a quick break break and we’re going to come back and we’re going to talk about a little more prep that you can do to make Another habit that you can do to make your life a little bit easier. Okay, we’re going to take this quick break and we’ll come right back

Okay, we are back with number four, some meal prep habits to get you through your week. This is number four, breakfast prep. I now do something, and we’ll talk more about it. It’s, I call it my power hour, which, you know, I’m just trying to hype myself up. But every week I make a big pot of oatmeal that has whatever fruit is like,

You know, it’s time to use it up. It’s not bad. It’s not moldy. It’s not gross, but like the bananas my you know, there is a certain threshold where Roger will eat a banana and then 20 seconds later that threshold has been crossed Never to be seen again. So we make a big pot of oatmeal with blueberries and bananas and apricots To kind of throw all that in there. I also my mom was she good. She’s like

Tonya Kubo (14:20.667)


Tonya Kubo (14:24.987)


Tonya Kubo (14:35.387)


Kathi Lipp (14:39.374)

you know, once every couple of weeks, she likes to have a little treat and go to McDonald’s and get a sausage biscuit. And she said, Kathi, that sausage biscuit was almost $6. And I said, mom, and we’re going there tonight. I’ll wake up tomorrow. I’m going to make that woman a homemade sausage biscuit. Because yeah, because we all enjoy a sausage biscuit every once in a while. But there are certain things you could prep ahead of time.

Tonya Kubo (14:56.037)


Tonya Kubo (15:00.571)


Kathi Lipp (15:04.524)

You know, for your kids, it’s like packing a lunch, but maybe it’s packing a breakfast instead. And I know that when my kids were younger, we often did breakfast in the car just because we had no other, nobody was sitting down to eat a breakfast at our house when my kids were in elementary, junior high and high school. That just, that, that did not happen. What, what do you do? Do you do anything to get ahead on breakfast at your house?

Tonya Kubo (15:13.648)


Tonya Kubo (15:18.927)


Tonya Kubo (15:28.759)

Yeah, so what I found is I need to at least have an idea because it doesn’t matter what I have. I could have like five boxes of cold cereal. I could have bagels. I could have frozen waffles except for Lily and for Ryan. So that leaves Abby, I guess. Abby’s expectation is I’m going to tell her what to eat and I’m going to prepare it for her. And they are a lot alike. So.

Kathi Lipp (15:33.707)


Kathi Lipp (15:45.739)


Kathi Lipp (15:50.862)

Can I just tell you, Abby and Roger are so much alike.

Tonya Kubo (15:57.197)

You know, Lily likes to be self-sufficient, so she takes care of herself. Brian prefers these like Jimmy Dean frozen sandwiches, like McDonald’s frozen sandwiches, right? I used to make breakfast burritos that we froze that they could heat up. Nobody would eat them but me. I’ve tried the homemade biscuit things. Nobody eats those but me. So now what I say is before everybody goes to bed, say here are your three options for breakfast tomorrow. This is what you guys have.

Kathi Lipp (16:05.592)

Right, yeah, yeah.

Kathi Lipp (16:15.288)


Kathi Lipp (16:25.39)

Mmm, nice!

Tonya Kubo (16:26.971)

So tomorrow, if I want them to eat cold cereal because I’ve got cold cereal to use or I have no other ideas, I put the cereal on the table. So they come in and it’s like, it’s a cinnamon toast crunch right in front of me. I should have that.

Kathi Lipp (16:34.958)

So smart.

Kathi Lipp (16:41.484)

Wait, hot sauce? Is that like, I’m excited?

Tonya Kubo (16:44.675)

No, sinuh- Huzzah.

Kathi Lipp (16:46.924)

Huzzah, I thought you said hot sauce. I’m like, is there some new slang I don’t know about? Got it. Okay.

Tonya Kubo (16:49.147)

I’m sorry. That’s all.

Kathi Lipp (16:54.318)

Huzzah, yes. Okay, yes, because if it, yes, Roger is the smartest man I know, helps around the house, but he would prefer that I just told him what to eat and then he pushes back a little bit on like, ooh, I need this little adjustment or I’d like the, really.

Tonya Kubo (17:04.123)


Tonya Kubo (17:09.453)


Tonya Kubo (17:14.083)

They are the same person. Abby wants you to tell her what to eat so that she can then suggest alternates. She likes veto power.

Kathi Lipp (17:21.844)

Right. Yes, we just did this thing where we were, I think I told you about it on one of our calls, we were doing a Roger wanted to watch football. I still don’t get it, but okay. But for Roger, an important part of football were are snacks that he thinks go with football. So we did a seven layer dip and he’s like, but I don’t, you know, I want you to do the seven layer dip, but I don’t really like the canned pinto beans.

Tonya Kubo (17:33.499)


Tonya Kubo (17:37.371)

The snacks!

Tonya Kubo (17:49.603)


Kathi Lipp (17:49.814)

And so I told you, I took some bacon grease and I, by the way guys, this guy would swim across shark infested waters to get me a glass of lemonade. So if the man wants warmed up pinto beans, I am happy to do it because trust me, I’m getting the better end of this deal. But yes, he needed to let me know his mods. Yeah, this is the modification I need. Okay, Tonya, I have a very important question for you.

Tonya Kubo (18:04.731)


Tonya Kubo (18:12.246)

Mm-hmm, yeah.

Kathi Lipp (18:19.628)

Are you a food house or are you an ingredient house? Do you know what I mean by that?

Tonya Kubo (18:24.407)

I prefer, yes, I prefer to be an ingredient house, but I think the nature of how we are, Brian commutes, Abby goes to school a half hour away, we have activities all the time. I do need to make sure there are some foods that we can lean on, but it’s hard, because I just, that’s not how I wanna operate.

Kathi Lipp (18:28.908)


Kathi Lipp (18:36.376)


Kathi Lipp (18:42.902)

Yeah, it is hard. Well, and it’s so interesting. Okay, and if you don’t know what we’re talking about, you’re like food and ingredients are the same thing. Food is more grab and go, whereas ingredients have to be assembled, prepared, that kind of thing. And I think you have to have a balance of both. You know, for a snack, I don’t wanna like…

Tonya Kubo (18:57.52)


Kathi Lipp (19:08.366)

cook the garbanzo beans and crush them into hummus. Like, no, I want the hummus there. Like, I’m not going to make a tortilla chip. You know, those are the kind of thing. But it’s been very interesting to me on social media recently, where I don’t think it’s the people who grew up in ingredient households. And I think ingredient households are usually people who are maybe,

Tonya Kubo (19:12.165)


Kathi Lipp (19:35.116)

whose families growing up struggled more financially and or are maybe a different ethnic background than the color of my palm or are super crunchy, super, super crunchy households. But on TikTok, you see all these grocery hauls.

Tonya Kubo (19:38.779)


Tonya Kubo (19:52.837)


Tonya Kubo (20:00.997)


Kathi Lipp (20:01.304)

where it’s like, it’s $450 for one week’s worth of food, but it’s chips, soda, frozen pizzas, tortino, know, pizza rolls, that kind of thing. And I’m like, and somebody finally came on and said, it’s not that groceries are expensive because groceries are expensive, but you don’t know how to cook. Like that’s the problem. You don’t know how to cook. So.

Tonya Kubo (20:05.477)


Tonya Kubo (20:09.061)


Kathi Lipp (20:29.558)

Like I buy a lot. I do buy some prepared food I would say probably 25 of what we buy is prepared foods, but I also know I have to portion those things out if I go grab a bag of things. I can mindlessly eat and i’m not doing this for diet. I’m just doing it because I want to feel okay I mean i’m not doing it because I want to lose weight. I am doing it because of a food diet but

Tonya Kubo (20:41.541)


Tonya Kubo (20:52.347)


Kathi Lipp (20:59.47)

Portioning those things out saying okay, you know what? I’m gonna buy the little cups of hummus, but that has to last me a month So I know I’m gonna eat about three of those a week because that makes me happy Portioning Some of our treats into smaller things and it means like I may buy the big bag of chips But I’m gonna portion those into little ziplocks

Tonya Kubo (21:08.197)


Kathi Lipp (21:27.756)

Because to me that makes more sense than buying individual chips. You know what I mean? They’re mostly air. Yeah. Yeah. So do you do anything to portion out food or do you, do you buy portion to food? Like every answer is acceptable. I just, my frustration with TikTok is look how much this is costing and I’m buying

Tonya Kubo (21:36.089)

Mm-hmm. Yeah, the little like snack bags of chips.

Tonya Kubo (21:49.935)


Kathi Lipp (21:56.536)

highly convenient foods that I don’t need to touch.

Tonya Kubo (21:58.489)


Yeah, so we have to do it a little differently here. So for my family, there is no difference between buying a bag of chips and a box of 40 snack bags. They’ll eat five snack bags in one sitting. So that’s like irrelevant. And there are certain things, right? I refuse to battle over food. I refuse to put padlocks on my pantry or anything. I have friends who do all that. I have friends who do it and it’s what they do and that’s fine for them, but I will not.

Kathi Lipp (22:12.712)

Mm-hmm. my gosh. Yeah, that makes sense, right.

Kathi Lipp (22:21.902)

Yes, 100%. Yeah.

Tonya Kubo (22:30.905)

So it’s, buy this, you know, I buy what I buy and it lasts as long as it lasts. And if I don’t wanna go to the store, then you’re gonna wait until I go to the store or you’re gonna wait until I order groceries. You may have to go five days without snacks. You’ll live, we all live.

Kathi Lipp (22:35.468)


Kathi Lipp (22:40.716)


Right. No, that makes total sense. And yeah, there are definitely tiers of snacks, aren’t there? You know, it’s like…

Tonya Kubo (22:52.665)

Yeah, I will tell you one thing I do though. So I will buy extra and then I stash the backup. Like I have a back stock stash that goes, it’s on the top shelf of my closet. Nobody looks for food there.

Kathi Lipp (22:59.427)


Kathi Lipp (23:08.128)

Right, okay, I used to wrap things in aluminum foil and market liver and Nobody in my family ever Like we never ate liver the entire time they lived in our house and they still don’t know that Yeah, but you do what you have to do, right? We

Tonya Kubo (23:20.005)


Tonya Kubo (23:25.391)

Yeah. But I’m telling you, nobody gets more excited than when they thought there was no more Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Can you tell what Brian Kubo’s favorite cereal is? They haven’t seen any Cinnamon Toast Crunch for four days and suddenly they’re Cinnamon Toast Crunch out. I’m the hero.

Kathi Lipp (23:33.203)

Ooh, yes.

Kathi Lipp (23:38.754)

Yeah. Okay. I love that. You are the hero. Yeah. Roger. I have obtained hero status several times when I’m like, no, I know where that is. And you know, when we had kids in the house, there were two things like there was the liver trick and also there was Christmas box. think it was number five. We never had anything in Christmas box. Number five, except for the food that like

Tonya Kubo (23:50.777)


Tonya Kubo (24:00.987)


Kathi Lipp (24:06.678)

I didn’t I wanted to buy the big pack but I didn’t want to put it all out at one time because we had four teenagers, you know I mean Justin ate face cream one time like

Tonya Kubo (24:14.413)


Tonya Kubo (24:20.975)


Kathi Lipp (24:25.802)

Okay, number six, leftover makeover Monday. So we have like our big kind of family meal on Saturday, but I always know that that’s going to be a loop meal on Monday. So if I roasted chicken, it’s going to be chicken tortilla soup or chicken tortilla salad or something like that. You know, so planning, we’ve talked about it before, loop meals, leftovers on purpose. And then number seven,

This is new, something new I’ve been doing. And can I just tell you, Tonya, I’m kind of a genius. I’m not gonna lie, not gonna lie. You know, I make a lot of dishes. Like I’ll make soups, I’ll make, you know, all these things. And then it’s like, I wish we had baked potatoes to put that on or I wish, so what I’ve started doing is once a week, it’s like my carb prep.

Tonya Kubo (24:59.971)


Tonya Kubo (25:22.171)


Kathi Lipp (25:24.296)

I will put, I’ll prep six baked potatoes and put them in the air fryer. I’ll do a big pot, or instant pot of rice. I do jasmine rice, that’s the one I do. I’ll do a batch of pasta on the stove. I’ll do my slow cooker with oats and fruit and bananas and spices, and I’ll do one batch of muffins.

And I can get all of that prepped in about 40 minutes. And we are set for the week. We don’t have to keep making rice or keep making. And so I do six air fryer baked potatoes because we take some to our neighbor. But also that gives us four that if we wanted to have a baked potato as a side dish, great. Or if I’m running out of ideas for lunches.

Tonya Kubo (26:21.711)


Kathi Lipp (26:21.784)

then I’m just gonna throw a baked potato and we’re gonna find what’s in the fridge and use it up and use what’s left over. I did fried rice the other day, because I channeled my inner Kubo and just did a bunch of stuff in there. This makes such a difference. I feel so much more prepped for the week. And all of these are relatively inexpensive to do.

Tonya Kubo (26:34.944)


Tonya Kubo (26:42.235)


Kathi Lipp (26:47.234)

but they make such a difference to getting dinner on the table or lunch on the table. I know you’re a big rice household. Do you do anything else to kind of prep for the week?

Tonya Kubo (26:53.019)


Tonya Kubo (26:58.943)

Yeah, so for us, I mean on Sundays I usually cook the equivalent of what would be two like big meals. With the idea is one’s gonna be Sunday dinner and then leftovers will get us lunches for a couple days and then the other one is going to be our like repurposed Monday and Tuesday night dinners. Because that’s sort of what we need to do. So for us, you know, like we’re probably making rice twice a week.

Kathi Lipp (27:07.575)


Kathi Lipp (27:18.02)


Kathi Lipp (27:21.475)


Kathi Lipp (27:25.645)


Tonya Kubo (27:26.055)

And then there’s very rarely leftover rice and if there is then that becomes fried rice. We will, so potatoes, my family doesn’t like leftover potatoes except Lily and I will eat cold potatoes for lunch. Like we’re weird like that. It’s kind of fun for us. And I will make a loaf of bread. So I make, I have an easy sourdough recipe. So I make a loaf of sourdough bread probably every other Saturday. And that’s something that can get us through.

Kathi Lipp (27:30.798)


Kathi Lipp (27:35.352)


Kathi Lipp (27:38.754)

Yeah, I love that.

Mmm, yeah.

Kathi Lipp (27:50.424)


Tonya Kubo (27:53.883)

I think it’s helpful. Although the homemade sourdough bread is not quite like store-bought bread, right? It like just doesn’t quite last as long.

Kathi Lipp (28:00.738)

Okay. yeah. Yeah, that totally makes sense. Yeah. Well, it’s so good to, you know, know what’s going to help your family get through and don’t make potatoes if your family’s not going to eat potatoes. You know, if they’re not muffin people don’t do a muffin. Yeah, Tonya, go for it.

Tonya Kubo (28:10.843)


Tonya Kubo (28:17.979)

one thing that I do love to make ahead. I love to hard boil eggs over the weekend because I like a hard boiled egg for breakfast. And so does Lily. She doesn’t like to take them in her school lunch because she thinks it just makes her whole backpack smell. She’s not wrong, but yeah, she’s not wrong. But you know, she’ll take a hard boiled egg. I’ll take a hard boiled egg. So that is something like I bought my Instant Pot purely for two reasons. One was to make hard boiled eggs in bulk.

Kathi Lipp (28:24.328)

yes, yes. Yes, yes.

Kathi Lipp (28:32.898)

They smell. It does. She’s not wrong.

Kathi Lipp (28:42.111)


Tonya Kubo (28:47.181)

and the other was to make my own beans.

Kathi Lipp (28:50.902)

Okay, you know what? You’ve just reminded me of something, because I want to start making beans along with the prep, but the eggs, I had forgotten. And you know, I love eggs on salad. Like that makes me super happy. And I also love egg salad because apparently I’m channeling my 95 year old Eunice, because it just makes me so happy. Okay, this is so great. So guys, don’t try to do all these things. Take one thing.

Tonya Kubo (28:56.699)


Tonya Kubo (29:03.963)


Tonya Kubo (29:10.989)


Kathi Lipp (29:19.732)

Make it a habit and then build on that habit and you’re going to have a much easier time Tonya. This was so great Thank you i’ve got some ideas from you that I am going to i’m going to instigate and i’m so excited about it Eggs and beans are going on the list. I love it. Well friends. Thank you for hanging out with us You’ve been listening to Clutter Free Academy. I’m Kathi Lipp now Go create the clutter free life. You’ve always wanted to live

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#639 Cooking Without the Crazy: Kathi Lipp’s Pre-Cook Checklist

#639 Cooking Without the Crazy: Kathi Lipp’s Pre-Cook Checklist

639 – Cooking Without the Crazy: Kathi Lipp’s Pre-Cook Checklist

Hey there, friend! Have you ever felt like cooking dinner is just one more overwhelming task on your never-ending to-do list?
Trust us, We’ve been there. But what if we told you that just five minutes of prep could transform your entire cooking experience?

In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, host Kathi Lipp shares her top five pre-cooking habits that can transform any kitchen experience. Joined by Tonya Kubo, Kathi reveals simple yet effective strategies to make cooking less stressful and more enjoyable. Kathi and Tonya provide practical advice for listeners looking to implement these habits in their own kitchens, regardless of size or layout.

Listeners will discover:

  • The benefits of gathering all ingredients before starting to cook
  • Why printing recipes or using a tablet stand can make following instructions easier
  • The value of laying out all necessary tools before beginning to cook

Listeners will come away with actionable steps to create a more organized, efficient, and enjoyable cooking experience, ultimately leading to less stress and more time to enjoy meals with family.

As promised in this episode,
Here’s the picture and link to Kathi’s favorite cookbook stand.


And here’s her Poppy Seed Chicken recipe!

Poppy Seed Chicken 


  • 4 Chicken breasts, cooked and cubed 
  • 1 can Cream of chicken soup 
  • 4 oz Sour cream 
  • 2 tsp Poppy seeds, divided 
  • 1/4 c. Melted margarine 
  • 1/2 sleeve Ritz crackers 


  1. Combine soup, sour cream and 1 tsp of the poppy seeds in a bowl. Crush crackers and combine with melted margarine and remaining poppy seeds. Layer chicken and soup in casserole dish, then top with cracker mixture. Cover and freeze.
  2. Defrost overnight.
  3. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes.

Order your copy of Sabbath Soup here and sign up to receive your free ebook featuring four week’s worth of easy meal plans and delicious recipes.

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Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest

Kathi Lipp gives readers an easy-to-follow process for meal planning and prep, so that they can enjoy a full day each week of real rest and refreshment.

Could you use a break from cooking (and everything else) once a week? Not only is rest vital for your mind and body, it’s good for your soul too. God designed us to enter into Sabbath rest one day per week, but as you know, meals still need to be made. Your family still needs to be fed.

Sabbath Soup includes convenient, seasonal meal plans that take the guesswork out of shopping and cooking. More than just a collection of delicious recipes—including main dishes, breads, breakfasts, desserts, salads, sides, and yes, soups—this is your guide to establishing a weekly rhythm and routine of meal planning and prep that allows you to have a true day off.

Do something good for your soul and experience the peace that comes with a full day dedicated to spending time with God, family, and friends. Savor your Sabbath as you proudly proclaim, “Soup’s on!”

Order your copy of Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest here.

Links Mentioned:

Order Sabbath Soup here  and sign up to receive your free ebook featuring four week’s worth of easy meal plans and delicious recipes.

Kalorik Air Fryer

Ninja Air Fryer

Rubbermaid Food Storage

Hoka Shoes

Target Baskets for Meal Prep

Clutter Free Resources:

What’s your favorite kitchen organizing tool or hack? 

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Meet Our Guest 


Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


Tonya Kubo Picture

Kathi (00:01.23)

Okay, this is 639, five things I always do before I start cooking, but I just remembered something I wanted to talk to Tonya about.

Well, hey friends, welcome to Clutter-Free Academy where our goal is to help you take small doable steps every day to live with less clutter and more life. And I am back with co-host of Clutter -Free Academy, it’s Tonya Kubo. Hey, Tonya. Are you sick of talking about cooking?

Tonya Kubo (00:32.588)

Hey, Kathi.

Tonya Kubo (00:37.985)

No, I love talking about cooking. It’s like my favorite thing.

Kathi (00:39.552)

I love talking about cooking too. I know this is Clutterfree Academy and we keep talking about cooking, but I feel like they are very, they go side by side. It’s the stuff we have to do every day of our lives. you and I are both cooking with a limp right now because you don’t have an oven either, do you? Yeah, so my air fryer seven and one combo is getting doing

Tonya Kubo (00:52.78)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (01:00.364)

I do not.

Tonya Kubo (01:06.392)


Kathi (01:07.928)

quadruple duty at this point. Yes, what kind of air fryer do you have?

Tonya Kubo (01:10.387)

As is mine.

Tonya Kubo (01:14.481)

I think it’s called a Kalorik. It’s K -A -L -O -R -I -K. Got it from Kohl’s.

Kathi (01:16.556)


Okay, okay, okay. We have the Ninja 7 and 1 and that is now my ride or die. I love that thing. And it flips up. It makes me so happy.

Tonya Kubo (01:24.482)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (01:28.289)


yeah, yours takes up a lot less space than mine. Ours, we wanted French doors so that we could get things easily in and out. So this was one of a couple versions that had that at the time.

Kathi (01:35.512)

Nice, yes. No, so smart.

That is awesome. Well today we are talking about I well I’m talking about and Tonya’s I want to hear your ideas as well But I just realized and it’s taken me. I don’t know 57 years to figure this out if I spend about five minutes prepping before I start cooking I don’t feel so stabby While I’m cooking like I enjoy cooking until I have to cook

Tonya Kubo (01:48.748)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (02:01.229)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (02:12.078)

And then when I have to cook, I’m like, I’m just annoyed by everybody. And so I’ve realized this will take, depending on the state of my kitchen, let’s be honest, five to 10 minutes before I cook and it makes all the difference in the world. So I just wanted to go through these five things pretty quickly. So the first thing is comfortable shoes. I have an ankle issue.

Tonya Kubo (02:16.491)


Tonya Kubo (02:23.384)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (02:41.517)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (02:41.588)

in that, the tendons in my feet are too short. And so if I’m on my feet for any amount of time, my ankle swells up. It’s delightful, let me just tell you. And so I used to, because we don’t tend to wear shoes in our house, I used to just wear like my slippers or something. And by the time I was done, I was crying. So now I wear it, and for like all day cooking.

Tonya Kubo (02:52.098)


Tonya Kubo (02:58.253)


Tonya Kubo (03:04.161)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (03:09.358)

I have a brand that I use Vionics that I’m a big fan of. They’re for people with flat feet. But I have heard recently about Hokas. The universe or the Holy Spirit, I’m not sure which, is telling me over and over again about Hokas. And you have a pair.

Tonya Kubo (03:12.322)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (03:21.141)


Tonya Kubo (03:29.258)

I do, I have a pair of their sandals and they’re really nice. So I have very high arches, which means naturally that I just put a lot of pressure and weight on the front part of my foot. And especially on those bones that are like below the pinky toe and the toe next to it, know, the toe that stays home and the one that goes wee wee wee all the way home. Those two toes get a lot of pressure underneath them.

Kathi (03:42.488)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (03:47.511)


Kathi (03:51.02)

Yes, yes. Okay.

Tonya Kubo (03:56.44)

And so Hoka’s because they have that high art support, they help balance out that pressure. Cause like you, Kathi, I mean, I don’t have foot problems, but I have hard floors in my kitchen. And I just find that the bottom of my feet will hurt so much after even just an hour of trying to walk around barefoot cooking.

Kathi (04:15.118)

Yeah, yeah, I did get a standing mat too. That has been really, really helpful. Yeah. So my yeah, and I’ve had some major foot surgery. This was like 30 years ago, but I have to baby my feet. So I was at physical therapy the other day for another broken part of my body. And they all suggested hocus, which is really interesting. I’m going to have to research a little bit more because I have the flattest feet in the world. Like

Tonya Kubo (04:20.0)

Which are helpful, yeah.

Tonya Kubo (04:25.516)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (04:42.221)


Kathi (04:43.018)

Yeah, so I have to see if that if that’s what’s gonna work for me But putting good shoes on can make a big difference Especially if you’re going to be doing some batch cooking or something like that, and I don’t do put this down every day It’s just there all the day all day long, but that standing mat has really been super helpful to me. Okay number two Before I cook I empty the dishwasher and clean out the sink

Tonya Kubo (04:53.74)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (05:01.196)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (05:10.687)


Kathi (05:11.84)

So tell me why this is important to you, Tonya.

Tonya Kubo (05:14.924)

Well, for me, it’s a couple of things. First of all, it helps to clean as you go, right? There’s nothing worse than spending an hour, two hours cooking, sit down to eat, and then afterward, you can’t even see your sink, right? Your sink is buried in dishes and then you have to go. And then it feels, I’m sure it’s not another hour of doing dishes, but it feels like an hour of doing dishes.

Kathi (05:21.324)

Yes, right.

Kathi (05:34.274)


Kathi (05:42.83)


Tonya Kubo (05:42.998)

Whereas when you start off, if the dishwasher is empty and the sink is empty, then you can be putting dishes in the sink as you go. And then when you’re waiting for something to come to a boil or you’re waiting for the oven to come to temperature, you can just start loading your dishwasher as you go.

Kathi (06:00.908)

Yes, it makes all the difference in the world to not feel like you have to move something before you do something else and clear off the counter before you do something else. And for me, like one of the things that I have found that is really important for me is to be able to put the colander in the sink so that when I’m rinsing things off, I’m not having to like move the stuff out. It just makes it so much easier.

Tonya Kubo (06:08.34)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (06:19.867)


Tonya Kubo (06:23.17)


Kathi (06:28.138)

And any professional chef, any kitchen will tell you starting off with clean counters that you’re able to put things on, that you have room to work, et cetera, et cetera, is chef’s kiss. yes, so it is my biggest part of prep to do that. And if I know I’m gonna be cooking the next day, I’ll make sure that I run the dishes the night before.

Tonya Kubo (06:35.202)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (06:42.188)


Tonya Kubo (06:56.257)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (06:56.82)

So that I can start off with that clean sink. Okay, we’re gonna take a yes, please Yeah

Tonya Kubo (07:00.536)

Can I, before we take a break, one more thing I think that goes along with the clean dishes, like clean dishwasher, clean sink, clean your counters. If you can start with like cleared counters, I’m not saying you have to scrub your grout. I’m just saying clear the counters off so you have space for staging.

Kathi (07:06.103)


Kathi (07:10.572)

Yeah, it’s so true.

Yes. Yeah.

It’s become my life’s goal to keep as little on my counters as possible. the right now, if you look at my counters, the things that I have on it are our standing mixer because it weighs 700 pounds and it scares me. Yeah, I’m not moving it. It’s it’s my biggest fear in life, Tonya. It is my biggest fear in life.

Tonya Kubo (07:38.274)

Same, same. I’m so scared to drop it on my toe.


Kathi (07:48.108)

Then, like my knees are weak just as we’re talking about it. Like that feeling you get behind your kneecap, that’s my feeling right now. So I have my standing mixer, my paper towels, which I’m still trying to figure a way to get like mounted underneath. Yeah, that’s my next goal. My air fryer, God bless it, we salute it. This is gonna sound weird, but my ice cream maker.

Tonya Kubo (08:06.004)


Kathi (08:16.48)

It fits into that weird corner that nothing really, you know, and so I can pull it forward and it makes a big difference. And then I’m trying to think of anything else I have on the sink except for the kitchen, you know, the soap. Like that’s my goal is to have it as clear as possible, to have as much room as possible. And I will be honest, a big part of that was getting a kitchen island. That helped a lot. Okay, we’re gonna take a quick.

Tonya Kubo (08:20.289)


Tonya Kubo (08:36.376)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (08:41.09)


Kathi (08:45.026)

break and then we’re gonna come back and we’re gonna talk about tip number three, about five things I always do before I start cooking. Okay friends, we’re back. So number one was to lace up our running shoes. Number two, empty the dishwasher, clean out the sink and Tonya added, just clear the counters as much as you possibly can, keep your counters clear. And then number three for me is to pull all the ingredients out of the fridge, freezer, and pantry.

Tonya Kubo (09:05.741)


Tonya Kubo (09:13.708)


Kathi (09:15.586)

Because can we talk about how many times I’ve started a recipe and realized, I don’t have all the things I thought I had.

Tonya Kubo (09:22.488)

Probably twice as many as I have and I’m like have done that at least a hundred times.

Kathi (09:27.348)

It’s so annoying, right?

Tonya Kubo (09:30.038)

And I feel like this whole episode is you sharing one of your tips and me going, yes, that, do that.

Kathi (09:34.55)

Yeah, that’s okay. Yes, but it makes such a difference to say, okay, I have everything I need. And when I do my big week cooking for Sabbath soup, I actually have baskets that all the ingredients for this recipe go into this basket, all the ingredients, not the fresh stuff, I don’t put you know, because I do this the night before, but it makes such a difference. And then I realize, okay,

Tonya Kubo (09:40.961)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (09:44.962)


Tonya Kubo (09:48.76)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (09:54.733)


Tonya Kubo (10:00.279)


Kathi (10:03.766)

Either if I don’t have an ingredient, either I can shift. I can say, you know, okay, so in my chicken and wild rice soup and I don’t have chicken, so we’re gonna do pulled pork in that and it’s gonna be fine. Or, you know, something like, or we’re do turkey in it or something. We can always shift. Or if I don’t have heavy cream, I can do half and half. Like there’s a million ways you can change up a recipe. It’s okay as long as you know going in.

Tonya Kubo (10:08.962)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (10:21.005)


Tonya Kubo (10:26.808)


Tonya Kubo (10:32.404)

Right. I mean, it’s so important because I think about like this weekend, I did a bunch of cooking and there was one recipe and I’m like, okay, mentally, right? Ticking off like, okay, got that, got that, got that. yeah. You know what? I’ll make that for dinner tonight because I’ve got all the things. And then when I went to set everything out and compare it to the recipe, I did not realize it called for sour cream. And I was like, I didn’t know that. And if I had looked at it the day before,

Kathi (10:33.521)


Kathi (10:47.288)


Kathi (10:54.672)

Tonya Kubo (11:00.716)

then I could have saved some Greek yogurt. But the day before I was making sourdough pancakes, which call for buttermilk. And so I just use a combination of milk and Greek yogurt. that’s, well, milk and Greek yogurt, right? That makes a good thick buttermilk. And so I was like, use the Greek yogurt. So then it was like, okay, so we need to make sure we get sour cream the next time we go to the store when I want to make this recipe. But otherwise, I would have gotten

Kathi (11:03.694)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (11:12.002)

Vinegar. Yeah. okay. okay, cool.

Kathi (11:21.421)


Tonya Kubo (11:30.764)

like four steps into the process, because sour cream comes in at the end, and then not been able to finish because I didn’t have sour

Kathi (11:35.116)


Right. This is why, you know, this is one of the things I do beforehand. But having an inventory of what you have is actually kind of awesome when you’ve got that much going on. So, yeah, pulling everything out, saying I do have everything I need or I can flex or I can make a different recipe. It’s the idea of mise en place, you know, just to have everything prepped.

Tonya Kubo (11:47.223)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (11:58.85)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (12:06.538)

everything you know all of that ready to go and You can flex you can think of you know If you don’t have the buttermilk which I don’t know why anybody buys buttermilk because you can just make it so easily and What would I use it for these other things but you can say okay? I don’t have like you said. I don’t have the sour cream. Let’s flex. Let’s do something different We can make we’re smart people we can make different choices Okay number four

Tonya Kubo (12:19.914)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (12:29.004)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (12:36.568)

For years, I tried to follow a recipe on my phone. my phone is small, your phone is small, all of our phones are small. So I’m gonna say either, there are two things here. Either print out the recipe, which I find to be the most helpful for a couple of reasons. One, if I print it out and I make adjustments to it, I can write that directly on the recipe. Two, I can find the recipe again.

Tonya Kubo (12:39.64)


Tonya Kubo (13:00.076)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (13:05.858)

because what is more frustrating than having a recipe you love and never being able to find it again? You know, it’s because you’ve been looking for it either in the cookbook or whatever. And three, I have a binder of all my favorite recipes and I can go back and I can look for things and I can say, we really enjoyed this. But also it’s just so much easier to move around your kitchen. Now,

Tonya Kubo (13:06.145)


Tonya Kubo (13:12.663)

This is true.

Tonya Kubo (13:16.32)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (13:31.864)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (13:32.13)

This also works with an iPad or a tablet of some sort, but what do you do, Tonya, when it’s not necessarily a cookbook?

Tonya Kubo (13:43.262)

Yeah, for us. So I’ll use my phone. Brian will always print out the recipe because, you know, he gets distracted if he picks up his phone. You know, where I but you know, it’s funny that you bring that up because our printer is out of ink right now. And this weekend I was making one recipe, but it called for an ingredient and there was a second recipe for that.

Kathi (13:49.806)


Kathi (13:54.391)

Yeah, me too.

Tonya Kubo (14:07.488)

And it was so annoying. Like I had, I had each recipe on a different tab on my phone so I could flip back and forth. But there was a point where I was like, if I just had these printed out, that would be so much easier.

Kathi (14:07.584)


Kathi (14:19.2)

Yeah, and that’s really where I am. I get very easily distracted or sometimes I’ll want to play a video on my phone while I’m cooking or you know because you and I are both in the social media space I want to be recording what I’m cooking which is not what everybody wants to do but sometimes that is what I want to do and just having that laid out being able to make adjustments to it. I also I have a cookbook holder

Tonya Kubo (14:27.862)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (14:33.943)


Mm -hmm.

Kathi (14:47.02)

that is the size of a piece of paper that has been very helpful to be able to hold all of that. Or just having a magnet and putting it on the side of my stove, out of reach so it doesn’t catch on fire, or on the side of my refrigerator. That’s a great way of doing it as well. then, number five, having a stand is great whether you have a tablet.

Tonya Kubo (14:47.106)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (14:52.482)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (14:59.667)

Okay, yeah.

Tonya Kubo (15:05.496)


Kathi (15:14.918)

Cookbook or printed out a recipe. I really think a cookbook stand is Critical and I’ll put a picture of my cookbook stand in in the show notes so that you can all see it I got it from Day Spring. I love it. Then number five

Kathi (15:44.14)

This goes along with just getting yourself ready. It’s almost like if you think about your favorite cooking shows, how they have everything laid out, being your own sous chef. So you’ve already, you you’ve cleaned out the sink. You’ve already put the ingredients together. You’ve got the recipe. And then the next thing is having all the tools laid out. what? OK, so this is what I call my fancy lady cooking. OK, let me tell you about my fancy lady cooking.

Tonya Kubo (16:11.51)

Mm -hmm. I want to hear about the fancy lady.

Kathi (16:15.148)

Because you know, I just bought a kitchen island. I’m so grateful. It’s not big, but it has a lot of storage. It has a surprising amount of storage. And we are making another shelf to go in there so that we can store even more. But in there, I have a set of glass bowls that are different sizes. I have my salt and pepper. I have my nesting.

Tonya Kubo (16:22.134)

Mm -hmm. Okay.

Tonya Kubo (16:30.488)


Tonya Kubo (16:36.152)


Kathi (16:42.862)

measuring cups and measuring spoons. I have a cutting board and on top of this kitchen island, I have my knife block. Like everything I need is right there ready to go and I love it. Yes. So I just go on what the side I’m not cooking on. open up.

Tonya Kubo (16:55.864)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (17:01.58)


Tonya Kubo (17:08.705)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (17:09.942)

the doors, I just put everything on top of the island, I’m ready to go. So how can you make storing your tools easier for yourself? There are, you know, some of it, some of it really, and you know, you’re listening to Clutter-Free Academy, so you’re not gonna be surprised by this particular idea. But to get rid of everything in your kitchen that you’re not really using, so you can get to the things that you’re using,

Tonya Kubo (17:16.044)

So good.

Tonya Kubo (17:20.181)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (17:36.376)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (17:38.9)

on a daily or at least weekly basis. What accommodations have you made in your kitchen? I’ll ask you this in a second. I’ll tell you mine first that have made storing and getting to your tools easier. For me, it was all the Rubbermaid, I’ve replaced all my random Tupperware storage with the Rubbermaid Crystal Series.

Tonya Kubo (17:40.418)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (18:01.794)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (18:06.722)

which are all square sizes and they fit so beautifully into our pullout drawers. It’s just made such a difference that I don’t feel anger every time I go to our storage containers. Yeah, how about you, Tonya?

Tonya Kubo (18:08.758)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (18:19.884)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (18:23.946)


So that’s been a big one for us. In fact, we were just talking about how, cause you know, we invested in a set probably a couple of years ago, but you know, when you have small children, not everything comes home. Or if they fidget, they like to fidget the little flaps off, which really affects, it’s a huge problem in my house is everybody fidgets the little side flaps off. So then we, you know, switched to using some like, like gladware style.

Kathi (18:36.77)

Mm -hmm, right.

Kathi (18:42.222)

interesting. Yeah, that has not been a problem with Roger. Okay.

Tonya Kubo (18:55.468)

containers, this weekend, you know, it’s like, okay, we need to go back to using that because the Gladware containers just don’t hold up well in the wash, right? They get misshapen. But for us, it’s been all of those containers, like everything that we might use to package up food, whether it’s for a school lunch or to package up leftovers is in one cabinet. So I’m only going to that cabinet if I need to focus on food storage.

Kathi (19:02.774)

Right. Yeah.

Kathi (19:16.695)


Tonya Kubo (19:22.602)

And then we have another cabinet. So we do have our like bakeware and mixing bowls and cabinets next to each other. But then we have a cabinet that’s for what I call like big food prep. So that is where the cheese grater lives. We have two sizes of food processor. So we have like the mini chopper and then we have the larger one. We only use the larger one like a couple of times a year, usually around the holidays. But that mini chopper is so nice. You know, chop up a few cloves of garlic.

Kathi (19:33.442)


Kathi (19:37.048)

Yeah. mm -hmm. Yeah.

Kathi (19:46.087)



Tonya Kubo (19:51.966)

onion, a few carrots, that works out really, really well. And so that is in one specific cabinet. And it just makes life so much easier if you’re not having to dip into five different cabinets and then reach to the back.

Kathi (19:58.168)


Kathi (20:03.094)

Yes, yeah. I think so much of willingness to be cooking at home is removing those steps. Those extra steps that just like, my gosh, are you kidding me? That’s why getting, you know, our pantry is in our garage. It’s in an entirely two rooms away from the kitchen. And so to be able to gather everything at once, having that little basket that I take out there and say,

Tonya Kubo (20:11.874)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (20:21.848)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (20:26.07)


Mm -hmm.

Kathi (20:32.672)

And the other thing I do, which I’ve mentioned on other shows is

Tonya Kubo (20:36.04)

I was going to say, we gotta talk about the baskets, Kathi.

Kathi (20:38.958)

Yeah, the baskets are great. So I have this basket. It’s just a plastic basket that I think I got at Target. I may have gotten a couple of the styles at Walmart, but I definitely got some of them at Target. It’s rectangle. Yeah, I would say it’s about like about a 9 by 13, that kind of size. And it has handles. And what I do is when I print out the recipe and I’ll even print out recipes,

Tonya Kubo (20:50.205)

And it’s square or rectangle, right? Okay.

Tonya Kubo (20:58.306)


Kathi (21:07.394)

that are from a cookbook I own so that I can put that on a clipboard to put in that basket. And so that recipe, I’m not trying to remember all the things I need and go to the garage and come back and we’re like, dang, I forgot the pinto beans. And I go back to the garage. No, no, no, I’m getting everything. I’m checking it off as I go. I have got everything I need in that basket with the clipboard, with the recipe.

Tonya Kubo (21:07.48)


Tonya Kubo (21:15.957)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (21:26.881)


Kathi (21:36.558)

So that i’m going and i’m gathering all of that because I think it’s the going back and forth You know an additional 50 steps to get those pinto beans is what makes it like I don’t ever want to cook. It just takes so much energy. No, no, no, no We’re gonna prep everything ahead of time put it in that basket gather everything that we need and Take that basket wherever our prep is going, you know, if you’re if you’re taking things to that food processor

Tonya Kubo (22:01.826)


Kathi (22:06.592)

or maybe it’s to the standing mixer. Like I’m just taking everything with me and I’m not going back and forth a thousand times. It makes all the difference in the world.

Tonya Kubo (22:15.84)

Yeah, well, and you know another benefit to that method is, at least in my mind, is for those of us who live in households, especially with small children, sometimes we buy things and they don’t actually make it to making the recipe. So like, for instance, there was a recipe I made, it was like dinner on Monday night, and it used crushed-up Ritz crackers.

Kathi (22:32.476)

Mmm, yes, yes.

Tonya Kubo (22:40.936)

I had been trying to make that recipe, Kathi, for two weeks, but people kept eating all my crackers. And so finally I’m like, Hey everybody, see this box of crackers? This, these are mom’s crackers. They are for a recipe. And everybody looked at me like I had a third eye. But as you talked about that, it’s like, well you could actually just put, you know, whether you need a sleeve of crackers, two sleeves of crackers, put that in the basket. And then everybody knows whatever’s in the basket is off-limits.

Kathi (22:41.297)


Kathi (22:52.59)


Yes. Right.

Kathi (23:09.324)

Yes, and I just remembered we talked about a chicken and rice recipe. I think it was on the last podcast. Okay, but it was the poppy seed chicken recipe and I will I’ll drop that recipe in here because it’s terrible for you is the least healthy recipe, but it’s the one my son always asked for when he’s coming home. And you know what? If you’re going to have something that’s not healthy, have something that’s delicious, right? So yeah.

Tonya Kubo (23:18.904)


Tonya Kubo (23:34.782)

yes, yes, we all want the chicken poppy seed recipe, don’t we? don’t we folks? listeners?

Kathi (23:38.326)

Yeah, I will make sure. Yes, it’s so good and it uses Ritz crackers. That’s what that was the trail that helped me remember that. Yes. Yes, I could help you with that. It having those and that’s another one other kitchen tool I love is having some blue painter’s tape on hand because you can say with the blue painter’s tape if it’s.

Tonya Kubo (23:47.281)

I have some Ritz crackers right now. I feel like I need this recipe.

Tonya Kubo (24:00.696)

Mm -hmm.

Kathi (24:05.292)

You know something that you can’t write on with marker. Don’t eat this stop it people or You know, I use the blue painter’s tape to remind myself like to What was I gonna say if I’m running out of something or you know measurements those kind of things or I can use it to seal up Packages like their blue painter’s tape is a great tool to have in your kitchen Okay, so the five things I always do before I start cooking Tonya what’s

Tonya Kubo (24:06.488)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (24:35.114)

What’s the most important thing that if you’re saying, okay, if you can’t do five, just do this?

Tonya Kubo (24:41.76)

Empty the dishwasher, clean out the sink before you get started.

Kathi (24:43.746)

I think you’re right. I think I have to agree with you there because it’s about lowering the barriers. It’s about lowering the barriers. yeah, having that clean surface I think is so, so important. Tonya, this has been great. Thanks for hanging out with me.

Tonya Kubo (24:50.198)

Mm -hmm.

Tonya Kubo (24:58.85)

Thanks for having me.

Kathi (25:00.448)

And friends, thank you for hanging out with me. You’ve been listening to Clutterfree Academy. I’m Kathi Lipp. Now, go create the clutter-free life you’ve always wanted to live.

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Hey there, friend! In this episode of Clutter-Free Academy, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo help listeners kick off 2025 with a practical plan for a clutter-free home. Kathi shares her personal goal of decluttering 100 spaces in her house this year and how she’s breaking it...

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#633 From Overwhelmed to Organized: A Step-by-Step Guide to Clutter-Free Meal Planning

#633 From Overwhelmed to Organized: A Step-by-Step Guide to Clutter-Free Meal Planning

633 – From Overwhelmed to Organized: A Step-by-Step Guide to Clutter-Free Meal Planning

Hey there, friend! Are you tired of feeling like a short-order cook seven days a week?

In this episode of Clutterfree Academy, host Kathi Lipp and co-host Tonya Kubo dive into the revolutionary concept of “Sabbath Soup,” as featured in Kathi’s upcoming book. Kathi emphasizes starting small, such as preparing one soup for Sunday, and gradually building up to a full week of planned meals. She also addresses common challenges like limited kitchen space and adapting the system for different family sizes and dietary needs.

Listeners will discover:

  • The importance of planning and protecting Sabbath rest
  • Tips for organizing the kitchen for efficient meal prep
  • Strategies for reducing cooking time and streamlining the “big cook day”
  • How to involve family members in the meal-planning process

Kathi and Tonya discuss the mental and emotional benefits of having a structured meal planning system, including reduced stress, more quality time with family, and true rest on the Sabbath. As mentioned by Kathi in the episode, here’s a picture of her clipboard and basket organizational tip for meal prepping. 

Preorder Sabbath Soup here and receive your free download bonus Sabbath Soup Shortcuts. The preorder bonus ends October 8, 2024.

Click here to be notified when the next episode is released.

Also, stay up to date and sign up here to receive our newsletter.


Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest

Kathi Lipp gives readers an easy-to-follow process for meal planning and prep, so that they can enjoy a full day each week of real rest and refreshment.

Could you use a break from cooking (and everything else) once a week? Not only is rest vital for your mind and body, it’s good for your soul too. God designed us to enter into Sabbath rest one day per week, but as you know, meals still need to be made. Your family still needs to be fed.

Sabbath Soup includes convenient, seasonal meal plans that take the guesswork out of shopping and cooking. More than just a collection of delicious recipes—including main dishes, breads, breakfasts, desserts, salads, sides, and yes, soups—this is your guide to establishing a weekly rhythm and routine of meal planning and prep that allows you to have a true day off.

Do something good for your soul and experience the peace that comes with a full day dedicated to spending time with God, family, and friends. Savor your Sabbath as you proudly proclaim, “Soup’s on!”

Preorder your copy of Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest here. Preorder offer ends October 8, 2024.

Clutter Free Resources:

Preorder Sabbath Soup here and receive your bonus down Sabbath Soup Shortcuts. Preorder bonus ends October 8, 2024

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Meet Our Guest 


Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo is the illustrious and fearless leader of Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy Facebook group and the Clutter Free for Life membership program. A speaker and writer, Tonya makes her home in the heart of California with her husband, Brian, their two spirited daughters, and one very tolerant cat. Visit her at www.tonyakubo.com.


Tonya Kubo Picture

Kathi (00:01.424)

Hey friends, welcome to Clutterfree Academy where our goal is to help you take small doable steps to live every day with less clutter and more life. And sitting here with me is now officially, officially the co -host of Clutterfree Academy. Why did it take us so long? Why, why, why? It is Tonya Kubo. Hey, Tonya.

Tonya Kubo (00:23.696)

Hey Kathi, I don’t know why I just got all excited and got like warm fuzzies. This is so fun.

Kathi (00:26.786)

Yes. It’s well and you’re the co-host of two podcasts. So you’ve officially joined the crazy club. What’s your what’s your other podcast? Just so people know.

Tonya Kubo (00:34.28)


Tonya Kubo (00:39.47)

It’s called the business you really want and has absolutely nothing to do with clutter.


Kathi (00:45.224)

But you know what? A lot of our cluttery people are business moguls. So there is going to be a cross-section. So yay.


Tonya Kubo (00:50.47)

You try?


There is, there is. And you know what? I just find creatives tend to be cluttery, right? We have so many ideas, so many interests. So yeah, it totally makes sense for there to be overlap.


Kathi (00:59.514)

Yep, it’s so true.



Kathi (01:06.436)

Well, and today we’re going to be talking about another aspect of my business because for the last time in the foreseeable future, I have a book coming out, which in the foreseeable future is I, know, there’ve been a number of books and like Kathi needs a break now and this book is all about having a break, which so this makes a lot of sense, right?

Tonya Kubo (01:18.6)

It is not the last time, Kathi. It is not the last.


Tonya Kubo (01:32.134)

Right, right.


Kathi (01:36.04)

So in October, I have a book coming out it’s called Sabbath Soup and it’s all about creating weekly rhythms and routines and of course, I want my cluttery people to have the first inside scoop because Let’s be honest Tonya. I wrote this for us Yeah, yes Well because I don’t know about anybody well, I do know about some of you, but I’ll just speak for myself


Tonya Kubo (01:55.366)

Right. Thank you. Thank you. I needed it. Okay.


Kathi (02:05.254)

The fact that dinner comes around every single night is the most annoying thing in the world. Like, didn’t I just do that and you want me to do it again tomorrow? Are you insane? And I do really well with a routine. And I do really well with batching tasks. I hate doing the little, you know, mic, I don’t know.


Tonya Kubo (02:20.915)



Kathi (02:31.034)

The idea of cooking a new unique dinner every single night just makes me absolutely insane. And so I have been working on this book. mean, this book has been a thing for a couple of years now and I’m, I’m not going to lie. I’m very, very excited about it. And, so we just wanted to take this podcast to really talk through the process that I feel like


Tonya Kubo (02:38.174)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (02:59.944)

is built especially for cluttery people. It’s about doing one kind of task each day so that you can feed your family and or yourself or your roommates or whoever it is, but also so that you can actually have a break on Sabbath, whatever that Sabbath may be, know, Saturday, Sunday, we happen to celebrate from sundown.


Tonya Kubo (03:03.07)



Kathi (03:26.084)

on Saturday to sundown on Sunday. And that is a lovely rhythm for Roger and I, the people, and I cook for a couple of extra people. I cook for my mom, I cook for our neighbor, but that to me has just worked out to be a great rhythm for Sabbath. Tonya, when do you tend to celebrate your Sabbath?


Tonya Kubo (03:49.02)

you are so cute, Kathi Lipp. I’m still working on the rest part. Well, I mean, right? Like you said, you wrote the book for us. And what I’m really excited about talking about today in the process that you’ve mapped out is we gave a sneak peek about this to our Clutterfree for Life members earlier this year. So, know.


Kathi (03:54.596)

Okay, okay, yes, right.


Kathi (04:14.118)

Yes. Yes.


Tonya Kubo (04:16.796)

We got to kind of run it by them and see how the cluttery people feel about this idea of Sabbath. And I’m just gonna be really blunt and admit the fact that so many of us, because of our cluttery ways, we don’t feel like we deserve the rest, right? And the Sabbath feels like something we have to earn. And I, you know,


Kathi (04:22.982)



Kathi (04:38.136)

Mm -hmm, it’s so true.


Kathi (04:43.484)



Tonya Kubo (04:45.786)

I know we’re going to talk a little bit about the routine because I think that’s so important for people to wrap their brains around. But I would love actually to just kick us off and talk about that. Talk to me as the person who oftentimes still works seven days a week. Like, talk about Sabbath as an earned reward versus Sabbath as you believe we are intended to experience it.


Kathi (04:58.916)

Yes. So.


Kathi (05:11.026)

So I believe that Sabbath doesn’t need to be earned. In fact, it would be like receiving a gift and saying, how much do I owe you for that?


So I get the feeling that I need to get everything done before I can take a Sabbath. I understand that feeling desperately. And also, can I just say, and I don’t mean this to denigrate who we are, but if you’re an American listening to this, it’s a very American way of thinking. Like I have to earn my rest. I have to complete everything.


Tonya Kubo (05:32.51)



Tonya Kubo (05:51.528)



Kathi (05:56.808)

on my to -do list in order for that to happen. And can I just say, Tonya and I are in very different stages of life. Your life is very 24 -7. You have kids who want your attention 24 -7. They have lots of activity. 100%, I get it. And let me say, when I needed this the most was when I had kids at home.


Tonya Kubo (06:13.746)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (06:25.286)

You know, and that’s when we really started to drill in on some of these Sabbath routines saying, because I don’t believe that Sam Sabbath needs to be earned. But for people like you and me, Tonya, who did not grow up necessarily with the idea of Sabbath, a Sabbath cannot be earned, but it must be planned. And yeah.


Tonya Kubo (06:45.96)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (06:53.478)

Right. And what you’re helping me to kind of think about really on the fly here is planned and protected. I mean, isn’t that really what the book’s about too?


Kathi (07:02.728)

Yes. Yes, yes, it really is. So planned and protected to say we are going to be intentional. Now, Tonya, I don’t think you can go from zero to 70. I think, you know, the first step is to say, guys, I’m cooking lunch on Saturday that we will eat on Sunday. Or I’m ordering lunch on Sunday. You know, whatever that


Tonya Kubo (07:24.382)



Tonya Kubo (07:29.928)

Mm -hmm. Yeah.


Kathi (07:32.46)

is. It’s the, it’s the, because here’s what I believe. It’s very easy for everybody else in the house to have a Sabbath except for mom. I are your, yeah. Are your kids really like working and planning ahead for the week on Sunday? I don’t think so. You know, and I know Brian is a partner with you when it comes to things, but for many of us,


Tonya Kubo (07:43.664)



Tonya Kubo (07:51.428)



Mm -hmm.


Kathi (08:00.942)

the mental load and like the most basic of the mental loads, especially on the weekend is feeding the people. And so if that falls to you, then there is no break. And here, here’s the other thing I know. If we do not respect the rhythms that have been established for us, the rest is going to come one way or another.


Tonya Kubo (08:13.694)





Tonya Kubo (08:23.144)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (08:28.378)

It’s either going to come by choice or by breakdown.


Tonya Kubo (08:31.886)

Right. I was going to say, and the alternative is not necessarily one we want.


Kathi (08:36.4)

Right exactly. So I would love if sabbath is like, ha ha ha isn’t that funny? Can you start by saying? What would Sunday look like if I didn’t have to prep? lunch What and here’s what I mean about prep Even if you’re not the one doing the cooking You’re still the one probably doing the running


Tonya Kubo (08:52.072)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (09:00.232)



Kathi (09:04.23)

or the grabbing or the deciding, or this kid doesn’t wanna have chicken fingers and this kid desperately wants to. But if there’s a plan to pre-decide what is for lunch, and then the next thing is to pre-decide what is for dinner, and then to pre-decide what is for breakfast, that can take, it’s enough to make


Tonya Kubo (09:06.622)



Tonya Kubo (09:12.296)



Tonya Kubo (09:16.658)



Kathi (09:33.316)

that Sabbath day feels special, to feel different, to take some of the hustle out of the day. that’s, Tonya, I have a dream. And my dream for the Kubos is to have a day where mom doesn’t have to make those kind of decisions. Maybe you make the kind of decisions, do I take an hour nap or an hour and a half nap?


Tonya Kubo (09:36.871)



Kathi (10:00.04)

Do I watch a movie with my kids? Or do I just say, go do you? I’m going to read a book. Or do we decide as a family that we’re going to go do an outing? We’re going to go take a drive? It lays open some possibilities. Those are the kinds of decisions I want you to make.


Tonya Kubo (10:09.48)



Tonya Kubo (10:22.886)

I love that. that makes it’s funny is because you know, Brian likes to say that I am the executive function for the entire household. And I, I love that he recognizes that. And I hate that that is a reality for so many, right? And who, who don’t have that acknowledged. And so I appreciate the purpose of the book. I appreciate the dream. I definitely, Kathi, just want to say thank you for you.


Kathi (10:30.674)

That’s exhausting.




Kathi (10:39.952)

Yeah. Yeah.


Tonya Kubo (10:52.2)

kind of laying out a customized gentle approach because now I’m going to ask you the really hard question, Kathi, which is thank you for the gentle approach that applies to the Kubos, but what is your routine like at this phase of life living on a mountain in the middle of nowhere in a house that tries to kill you quite frequently?


Kathi (10:59.933)



Kathi (11:03.386)



Kathi (11:08.474)

Yes. Yes. So here’s what I’m going to do. We’re going to take a quick break. We’re going to pay some bills. We’re going to come back and I will tell you what our routine looks like with the inclusion of Sabbath soup because it changes everything. It really, really does. So we’re going to go back, go away, come right back, and let’s talk about our routine.


Okay friends, we are back and Tonya asked me what does our routine look like? So our routine is very different than when we lived in the heart of Silicon Valley, but I really wrote this for the people who are doing that kind of life, but it also works for my kind of life. So is it okay if I just kind of break down what we do each day? okay, so this really is a six-day plan and I know that sounds


Tonya Kubo (11:57.468)

Yes, please.


Kathi (12:03.162)

It’s a five or six-day plan. on Monday, I am preparing for next week’s meals. And you may say, okay, that’s very type A of you, Kathi. No, it is very type G of me. I don’t want the constant stress of what are we going to eat tonight? And so for me, who only really goes into town once a week, which is


Tonya Kubo (12:25.672)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (12:32.338)

by the way, a gift to me. There’s a lot of pre-planning that goes into it. And you’re like, well, I don’t have to plan that hard because I can go to the supermarket seven days a week if I want to. But why would you want to? That’s my question. Why would you want to do that? So Monday, I start with meal planning. So I might do a little inventory, like are there things that we need to use up? Are there things we’re running low on?


Tonya Kubo (12:34.888)



Kathi (13:01.8)

and then I plan out meals accordingly. I also take a look at what do we have coming up that week. Like this weekend, we have a double blammo. We’ve got our kids coming to visit, but also I’m going to a 30-year-old’s birthday party. So, you know, there’s this double whammy in the best way possible that.


Tonya Kubo (13:17.03)



Tonya Kubo (13:25.918)



Kathi (13:28.612)

Not only did I need to prepare a meal for the birthday party, not a meal, an appetizer, but we also have kids coming who have dietary restrictions. So I take a look at all of that and I plan our meals. and in the coming weeks, Tonya, you and I are going to be talking about, okay, how do I plan these meals if I’m running, if I don’t have a lot of time? Like, how do I plan these meals if we’re on a tight budget? Those things.


So we’re gonna get to all of those. please, if you are not a subscriber to this podcast, hit that subscribe button because we’re going to unlock all the secrets. For everybody who’s listening, we want to make this easy for you. Okay, so Monday is planning day. Tuesday is I clean out my fridge. Now, Wednesday also happens to be garbage day, which we are taking much, yes, it really does help a lot. But that’s also when I make my shopping.


Tonya Kubo (13:56.284)



Tonya Kubo (14:08.563)



Tonya Kubo (14:20.915)

That’s helpful.


Tonya Kubo (14:26.088)



Kathi (14:26.564)

So I will make my shopping list on Tuesday. And here’s the beautiful thing. I order a lot of our groceries from Sam’s Club or from another supermarket that we have here in California called Rayleigh’s or Safeway, one of the others, depending on where we’re going to run our errands. So I will put that order in the night before because Wednesday is typically when we would go to town.


Tonya Kubo (14:48.094)



Tonya Kubo (14:52.846)



Kathi (14:52.936)

Things have changed since I wrote the book and now we go to town on Tuesday So I’m doing a lot of things on Tuesday But for the plan of the book if your shopping day is Wednesday, that’s gonna work out really really well for you. So Wednesday, I’m gonna go pick everything up and I pick up everything that we need for our cooking sessions I pick up anything that we’re running low on like cereal or milk that kind of thing but


Tonya Kubo (15:01.031)



Tonya Kubo (15:09.96)



Kathi (15:19.194)

It’s all waiting for me. And can I just tell you, if you’re not already a Sam’s Club fan, I actually was interviewed for an article about how much I love Sam’s Club, because I really do. They load it into the back of your car. Do you have a Sam’s Club near you, Tonya? No, I’m sad for you. moving on for those less fortunate.


Tonya Kubo (15:30.107)



Tonya Kubo (15:37.35)

how nice.


Not really, no.


Kathi (15:46.106)

And you know, we go to Costco every once in a while too, but Sam’s Club is my ride or die. So Thursday is really prep day for me. So Thursday is when I get out the Cuisinart, I’m chopping all of the veggies, I wash, spin, chop. I do that for salad ingredients, all of that kind of stuff. It helps me not feel so overwhelmed on cooking day.


Tonya Kubo (16:14.162)



Kathi (16:14.606)

And I might even do things like saute the hamburger meat or something like that to start prepping my meals. And then depending on my schedule, Friday or Saturday is cooking day. And it helps me so much to have that plan already laid out. I know what I’m gonna do.


Tonya Kubo (16:22.238)



Kathi (16:41.232)

I try to be as organized as I possibly can, but that Monday through Friday routine never varies. Things come up every once in a while, I may need to do the cooking, mean the shopping and the prepping on one day. Sometimes I’ll need to do that, but, and sometimes I like to work ahead. Like if I’m doing cookies, I may do the cookie dough on Thursday, because that’s an easy thing to do.


But it makes it so much easier. I’m prepared. I know where we’re going to eat for the rest of the week. It makes it a breeze.


Tonya Kubo (17:21.854)

Okay, so it sounds like it’s really organized. It sounds like it’s fairly easy for you to sort of switch things up as they need to be if your day into town changes. So how does this benefit your Sabbath, your day of rest?


Kathi (17:33.424)

Mm -hmm. Yeah.


Kathi (17:41.052)

Because I don’t do anything on Sunday except for reheat. Right, right.


Tonya Kubo (17:44.52)

Okay, but you have to like explain this whole do nothing thing. That’s hard for Tonya Kubo to understand.


Kathi (17:51.17)

Yeah, so I almost every single week make a big pot of soup for us to have after church on Sunday. And I so that’s one of the main meals I’ll cook. So that is I do that on Sunday. I also prep our breakfast for before church. So if I’m going to do say like French toast, what I’ll do is I’ll have all the ingredients there.


Tonya Kubo (18:00.744)



Kathi (18:20.996)

It’s already decided what I’m doing, right? The bacon is defrosted. The bread is already set out. If I get ambitious, I might even whip up the eggs and milk and cinnamon and nutmeg to dip the bread in. The fruit is already chopped.


Tonya Kubo (18:24.414)

Got it.


Tonya Kubo (18:29.096)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (18:45.31)



Tonya Kubo (18:49.79)

Got it.


Kathi (18:50.756)

The dinner that I’m doing Sunday night is going to be usually some kind of casserole or something like that. Also, Saturday night is like our main meal. So like I might do a roast chicken or I might do a ham or soup because I’m going to take those ingredients, that chicken and whatever we don’t eat on Saturday night, that becomes part of Monday night’s dinner or Tuesday night’s dinner. It’s leftovers on purpose.


Tonya Kubo (19:16.904)



Kathi (19:20.622)

So I am making all my decisions earlier in the week. So Sunday, it’s just like, I need to put the enchilada casserole in the oven. Bam, it’s done. It’s not that I need to cook or prepare the enchilada casserole. No, I just need to put it in the oven. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing.


Tonya Kubo (19:32.744)



Tonya Kubo (19:40.006)

Right. Yeah. And so I, you know, in the book you talk about your big cook day. So I’m going to be honest when, when you talk about it, I know you have explained it to me privately and I want you to explain to listeners because every time it comes up, like my default thought is I have to cook from like six in the morning until nine at night. So


Kathi (19:45.702)

Mm -hmm. Right.


Kathi (19:51.74)



Okay. Yes.


Kathi (20:05.242)

I would never do that, that sounds terrible.


Tonya Kubo (20:07.793)

Right, so tell me, tell me about the big cook day. How does that work?


Kathi (20:10.586)

Okay, so remember we’ve prepped everything on Thursday as far can we all agree that chopping all the vegetables is usually the worst part of all of it?


Tonya Kubo (20:21.086)

100 % 100 % zero notes. Yes.


Kathi (20:24.398)

Yes, yes. So that’s why like on Thursday, I’m pulling because I don’t know about you. Like my food processor, I never want to pull it out because it’s kind of a pain in the butt to clean. But if I’m chopping all the onions and I’m chopping all the carrots and I’m chopping all the mushrooms and I’m chopping all the celery, and I’m chopping all the pepper, you know, here’s the thing, I’m just going to wipe it out between chops. And I’m only washing it once.


Tonya Kubo (20:36.839)



Kathi (20:51.784)

By the way, can I tell you the best part of this plan? I hate to do dishes. It’s it’s it’s my kryptonite you know, who doesn’t mind doing dishes is mr. Roger and So I do all the cooking he does all the cleaning now sometimes he’ll help me prep Especially if we’re snowed in or something like that, but I I don’t I pretty much don’t touch a dish But even if I had to I’d rather do the bulk of dishes on one day


Tonya Kubo (20:55.326)



Tonya Kubo (21:11.666)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (21:22.148)

than all throughout the week because it really does cut down on our dishwashing throughout the week. But okay, so I have learned things about doing this big cook since writing the book. Like, my goodness. Okay. I think you are. So I used to just say, okay, I’m going to work on this recipe. Then I’m going to work on this recipe. So a couple of things I’ve done.


Tonya Kubo (21:24.006)



Tonya Kubo (21:36.67)

Tell me. Because I feel like I’m getting inside information along with everybody else.


Kathi (21:49.668)

And Tonya, I will get pictures of this so we can put it in the net. One thing I do for each recipe that I’m preparing, I have a plastic basket. And the on Thursday, I put all the things I can in that basket for that recipe. and this is really important. For each recipe, I have a clipboard that I have either photocopied the recipe.


Tonya Kubo (22:18.27)



Kathi (22:18.492)

because you’re allowed to do that if you own the book. You can photocopy that recipe and I’ll put it on that clipboard or print it out, however you’re gonna do it. And I clip that onto the clipboard. I put that clipboard in the basket. So when I’m going and gathering all the ingredients, all the ingredients are in the basket, except for we’re not putting raw chicken in the basket on Thursday. yes.


Tonya Kubo (22:26.056)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (22:43.282)

I appreciate that clarification.


Kathi (22:45.53)

We you know, we’re putting things in there like the can of salsa the jar of tomatoes the loaf of bread the the peaches, know, whatever that is so everything’s going in that basket because I feel like So much of the cooking experience is going around and finding all the stuff so


Tonya Kubo (22:56.797)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (23:08.462)

my gosh, that’s the 6 a to 9 p thing. It’s racing back and forth on your kitchen.


Kathi (23:11.18)

Yes, yes. Right, so all the spices are going in there. And somebody said, well, what if you’re using the same ingredient in a bunch of different things? So you put like the salt and pepper, I put that in the basket I’m preparing first. And then I’ll just put the salt and pepper into the next basket. The other.


Tonya Kubo (23:29.278)

Okay, that makes sense. I could figure that out all by myself, Kathi. I could.


Kathi (23:33.776)

Yes, I you know, but you know, sometimes people we we both have people in our lives, Tonya, they’re newer neurodivergent, right? They’re neuro spicy. And until you tell them exactly what to do, you know, they don’t want to do things wrong. And I appreciate what not wanting to do things wrong. So we’re going to help out our friends that and it’s not just neuro spicy people. It’s all of us who sometimes just we need to be taken by the hand.


Tonya Kubo (23:36.862)



Tonya Kubo (23:43.058)

Mm -hmm. Yep.


Tonya Kubo (23:56.382)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (24:03.214)

Another thing that I’ve learned since writing the book is I have two sets of measuring cups. I have two sets of measuring spoons, one for wet and one for dry. And that and then a bunch of measure glass measuring cups and a set of bowls, one for wet and one for dry. And that has made a huge difference to me. And


Tonya Kubo (24:03.39)



Tonya Kubo (24:21.309)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (24:31.256)

I’ve learned that since writing the book because I just always did what I always did and then I really challenged myself. How can I make this easier? How can I cut the time down? And I feel like I went from cooking for about maybe four hours on the weekends to closer to two or three. Yeah, so I think.


That does not include doing all the dishes. Can we just say you’re gonna have to do dishes for a while? But you’re doing them all in one day instead of everything else. So I will put some pictures of how I do the baskets with the clipboards, but game changer, absolute game changer.


Tonya Kubo (25:14.864)

Okay. Okay. So I’ve been at your house before. You have more counter space than I do, but I wouldn’t say you have a ton of counter space. So where are you setting all of this up?


Kathi (25:18.715)



No, I don’t.


Okay, so a couple of things. I’m doing it on my kitchen table for the most part. Having an extension cord has really helped out with being able to move things around. And also, I spent some time in my kitchen really thinking about how I’m using my space. And we actually just bought a kitchen island on wheels.


Tonya Kubo (25:31.483)



Tonya Kubo (25:39.634)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (25:54.269)

Kathi (25:54.96)

Have I not shown this to you yet?


Tonya Kubo (25:56.644)

No, I do not. I have no knowledge of this. Is your life changed?


Kathi (26:00.6)

Tonya, my bright blue kitchen island is everything. Because not only is it gorgeous and it gives me more prep space, it has cabinets underneath where I can store everything I’m using for this process.


Tonya Kubo (26:10.302)



Tonya Kubo (26:21.766)

You know we Clegary people love a good cabinet.


Kathi (26:24.376)

And this is a great cabinet. I’m like, Tonya, this is going to make you weep openly. I have not filled up this entire thing.


Yeah, it’s kind of beautiful. So I would encourage you, you may not think you have the space for something. And when I say I rethought my space, can we just be honest? My friend, Tenille, came to my house and helped me rethink my space. And she said, yeah, she says, I think you should have a kitchen island. And I said, where? And she showed me how and we had to move my kitchen table about eight times.


Tonya Kubo (26:46.376)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (26:51.87)

Tenille is so good at that.


Kathi (27:03.88)

and we finally dialed it in. And you know, we sometimes have big groups to our house. So I needed to be able to put the leaves in the kitchen table. But really 90 % of this is set up on my kitchen table. so having that extension cord has been a game changer because I can leave my mixer set up over there. I can, if I want to, I can cook in my air fryer on my kitchen table.


Tonya Kubo (27:06.366)



Tonya Kubo (27:22.27)



Kathi (27:33.0)

We’re making it work. It’s kind of a beautiful thing.


Tonya Kubo (27:38.664)

That sounds so efficient.


Kathi (27:42.022)

Mm -hmm.


Tonya Kubo (27:43.408)

How long? mean, like, how much? I feel like this is like a life’s work. Like, this is your opus.


Kathi (27:48.474)

I, yes, I do feel that deeply. Yeah.


Tonya Kubo (27:52.51)

So how long did it take you to sort all this out?


Kathi (27:57.668)

So this has been in phases for sure. I think you remember me talking about six chicks freeze and fix. My cooking club that I did, especially when my kids were younger, where we would each make three meals, six of us, each of us would make three meals, but we’d make six family size portions of it. And then we’d swap it all together. So I learned a lot by doing that. And then when it was just me and Roger,


I said, I don’t need to plan anymore. And then I got really mad at Roger for wanting dinner on a regular basis. And I’m like, well, maybe I need to rethink these things. And I got really mad when everybody could relax on Sundays except for me, because people still needed to eat. But I also didn’t want to spend a ton of money going out for every meal, right? And so this, I feel like this is my master’s.


Tonya Kubo (28:57.448)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (28:57.8)

and cooking and planning, but the gift is not becoming a professional. The gift is getting a day off a week. And it’s made me, it’s made me very, so I feel like people who have never really in a real way experienced a Sabbath are actually gonna have a transition time if they start to do this.


Tonya Kubo (29:06.738)



Kathi (29:25.112)

I don’t say dive in with I’m just gonna lay around all day Sunday, like transition in small ways. to put, I think it’s really important to not have a big old day just kind of looming out there in front of you, but to say, and to dream about if my family had the time, what would we do with it?


And I think that that’s a really beautiful way of approaching it. And let me also say this, like this Sunday, I’m gonna cook on Sunday, but let me explain why. It’s because my stepson Jeremy is coming. And every time he comes up here, we try to perfect our ravioli recipe. And so we’re going to enjoy our time cooking, but we don’t have to cook.


Tonya Kubo (30:11.382)



Kathi (30:18.076)

the rest of the time here because it’s already planned out. I already know that on Saturday we’re having salmon and we’re having potato salad and asparagus. I already know that. We’re gonna cook some of that on Saturday night because we wanna have it on the barbecue and Roger loves to barbecue. But the ingredients are already bought. I have no stress about it because it’s already happening. It’s a gift.


Tonya Kubo (30:46.078)

That is such excellent advice. mean, you’ve talked about starting small. You’ve talked and you’ve given us a great plan of how we can do that. You’ve talked about, you know, just how we can make this manageable, how we can maximize our space. I really appreciate how thoughtful this is. I feel like I’m not going to say this is better than getting the book because the book is what has the recipes. This just has a detail of the process. But I feel like


Kathi (31:11.814)

Yeah. Yeah.


Tonya Kubo (31:14.876)

This episode is such a great compliment to the book. Any final thoughts for us? Anything else we need to know after listening to this whole process laid out?


Kathi (31:21.295)



Kathi (31:26.192)

So I love what you said about starting small. And so I would really encourage you, if you do nothing else, can you cook a pot of soup on Friday or Saturday to have on Sunday? So the reason it’s called Sabbath soup, and there are a million different kinds of recipes in here. Yes, it’s not just soup recipes. Like there are so many bangers in there.


Tonya Kubo (31:49.03)

I was gonna say, you have to tell them it’s not just soup recipes.


Kathi (31:55.686)

the macaroni and cheese, the roasted chicken, like there’s so many great recipes. But here’s why I think soup is such an excellent Sabbath meal. Because it’s usually a one pot meal. I’m gonna cook it on Friday or Saturday. I’m gonna let it cool down. I’m just gonna stick that entire pot in the refrigerator. And then I’m going to pull it out when I am ready to cook it.


You can buy a loaf of bread at the supermarket. You can buy a bag salad to put with it. You’re done. That is you have already checked off one meal. And by the way, if if you don’t have leftovers from soup, what are we even doing here? And there are some bigger families who are going to have to have double some of these recipes. But we love to have that soup on Tuesday night. So we’re going to have it.


Tonya Kubo (32:43.858)



Kathi (32:50.564)

on sat on Sunday after church and then we’re gonna have it again on Tuesday night. And if it’s chili, we may put it on top of a potato, we’re gonna figure something else out with it. But sometimes because it’s just the two of us and we’re feeding our neighbor and my mom, sometimes it has enough for eight that I just freeze some of that and that’s fast food for another week. And like I have so many blocks of soup and I just feel like they’re little


bags of gold in my freezer. It makes me so happy because all I have to do is pull it out the night before Let it defrost and i’m ready for lunch the next day. So I would say start small Find a recipe you love if you don’t get the book. It’s okay Find a recipe you already love that you already make i’m going to tell you all the ways to prepare for your cook day are


between this podcast and the book are there. And I think so much of the mental break that so many of us are looking for is somebody just laying out the plan. And I feel like I’ve done that for you. I’ve done the research, the hard work, the ideas. You can adjust a lot of these recipes for your family’s dietary needs or their preferences.


You’ll notice there are not a lot of green peppers in the book because I think they’re disgusting. It’s my own prejudice, but you can put them into your family meals. I will not be discouraged. Yes, yes. So Tonya, you are not a Sabbath person. So I’m going to turn the tables on you. what, what, is there something you think you can grab onto here?


Tonya Kubo (34:21.658)

All you want, right?


Tonya Kubo (34:29.48)



Tonya Kubo (34:34.526)

Well, yes, I mean, as you know, we’re recording this the week before school starts. And we have a whole new thing with kids in different schools. We haven’t had that before. And it’s about 50 minute drive between schools we mapped out. And so I’ve actually really been leaning in. I don’t have the full book, right? But I have like a little sampler of it and I’ve been really leaning into the process and I am actually fortunate.


Kathi (34:39.131)

Yes, yes.


Kathi (34:44.52)

Kathi (34:49.66)

Mm -hmm.


Kathi (34:55.783)



Tonya Kubo (35:03.422)

maybe even more fortunate than you, Kathi, because I have a Brian who quite honestly is very similar to Mr. Roger. But I also have a Lily who is 14 and is very excited about taking on some of the cooking for the family. And so I have a partner. You know, I have more than one partner in my house to do this, but we’ve already been talking about like implementing the book. And so for us, it’s really going to be about starting with


Kathi (35:07.26)







Kathi (35:23.452)



Tonya Kubo (35:32.722)

getting used to having a plan to soup a week, then the next step is going to be cutting down on our grocery store trips. Because Brian likes to go to the store every day on the way home from work. And so then it’s going to be about what does it look like if we only go to the store once a week? And I feel like the plan is going to come together with those two things. Everything else is really going to fall into place for us.


Kathi (35:43.728)

Yeah. Yes. Yeah.


Kathi (35:54.716)



my goodness, I just love it. And guys, we are going to put information about how to get the book. Right now it would be a pre -order, but there is a gift if you pre -order the book. It’s a sampler. I don’t know, how else would you describe it, Tonya? Is it? Yes. Yes, okay. Okay.


Tonya Kubo (36:15.474)

That’s what I call it, it’s a sampler. That’s what I have, right? Because I’ve pre -ordered the book. So I have the sampler. I love it. You know, people think I get all this stuff for free. I buy this stuff, folks. I buy it.


Kathi (36:25.392)

Okay guys, I offer to her for free But yeah, just so you know, I know because she’s amazing and I do that for people I support too Because I want them to have that sale. I want them to know that I’m in it and I want the pre -order Bonuses, so we’re gonna put all the information in there because the sampler will get you started That’s what I want for you. The sampler will get you started


Tonya Kubo (36:28.862)

But I still buy it!


What’s in it?


Tonya Kubo (36:39.902)

Mm -hmm. Yeah.


Tonya Kubo (36:49.275)



Kathi (36:53.576)

So we’re gonna give you all that pre-order information. You can get it at any of your favorite retailers Tonya I feel like this podcast episode is the best companion we could have done to Sabbath soup. I’m so excited Thank you so much for being excited with me and we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to find out what Lily’s favorite recipes are We’re gonna need we’re gonna need a report back from her on that. Okay


Tonya Kubo (37:07.996)

I think so too.


Tonya Kubo (37:20.178)

We will do it in the name of research for you, Kathi.


Kathi (37:22.18)

Okay, I love it. Well, friends, you’ve been listening to the Clutterfree Podcast. I’m Kathi Lipp. Now go create the clutter-free life you’ve always wanted to live.

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