by kathilipp | Sep 15, 2015 | Blog |
Nationwide Date Night is the 18th! Are you planning a date with your spouse? Are you fresh out of ideas and maybe fresh out of money too?
Don’t let money stop you from dating your spouse. Get your copy of 20 Dates for $20 here.
Please leave a comment below sharing some of your date night ideas. You might be the winner of all of Kathi’s marriage books!
by kathilipp | Jul 22, 2015 | Blog, Hot Mamas, Uncategorized |
When was the last time you and your husband went out on a hot date?
Remember back when you were first married? The romance, the candlelit dinners, the anticipation of that good night kiss . . . and then you had kids.
Let’s be blunt: kids, while adorable and lovable and a gift from God, are romance killers. Suddenly come-hither looks are replaced with bleary-eyed glances accompanied by the vague notion that the guy across the dinner table looks familiar, but you just can’t quite place him.
Well, that guy is your husband and the two of you deserve more! It’s time to put your marriage first, to commit to intentional (and intense!) romance. We all have budgets and packed schedules, so inside this short ebook you’ll find tips and tricks that fit your lifestyle.
If you’re ready to fall in love all over again, you’re ready for this Hot Mama Challenge!
Get the eBook or paperback version of 10 Hot Date Night Ideas for Married Couples today and get your hot dates back!
And if you like this, you’ll love Kathi and Erin’s full-length book, Hot Mama: 12 Secrets to a Sizzling Hot Marriage due for launch in August and the other eBooks in the series, 10 Quick Fashion Fixes to Feel Confident and Sexy, and 10 Ideas to Inspire Red Hot Sex.