I Need Some Help Here! Launch Giveaway Week 3
SO… with everything going on we sort of skipped a week. Sorry about that! We DO have a winner for Week 2’s giveaway of the Kindle Fire- Glory! Hope you enjoy it Glory!
Time for another giveaway to celebrate the launch of I Need Some Help Here! Did someone say they need a cup of coffee (or three cups, depending on how many times the kids woke you up last night!)? I think it’s time for our Keurig giveaway. I have heard such hopeful feedback from my readers including this one from a reader from New England:
I just need to share – up until about 2 1/2 years ago, I thought parenting was going really pretty well. My husband and I were successfully raising a wonderful son who, other than talking alot in school, really didn’t give us any trouble. He was smart, athletic, handsome and, mostly, respectful (well, he did talk back a lot). Only child. Then he dropped a bomb on us. He didn’t “believe in God.” Now, his father and I are devout, practicing Catholics. Catholic schools, both of us. The whole nine yards. Our son, went to public schools until 9th grade, when we enrolled him in Catholic high school. Coincidentally (?), that is the year he gave up his belief. When I tell you I struggled, oh you can’t even imagine. I thought I’d never make it through a Mass again without crying. What did we do wrong? Why weren’t my friends having this problem? How can I enjoy my son knowing he’s turned away from something which is at the very core of me? etc. etc. Kathi Lipp, I can’t tell you how much you and this group have helped me. It sounds so cliche, but it really does help to know you’re not alone. It has helped me to be able to turn this one over to God. To keep reminding myself, with your help, that God loves him even more than I do. I pray daily that he’ll find his way back to his faith, but I’ve been able (for the most part) to start trusting that this is a path. Thank you for writing your book.
With this is mind, I would be so grateful if you would share about the book with your friends. Here are some ideas on how: 1. Order a copy of I Need Some Help Here! for a friend! If she has a Kindle you can buy it on Amazon as a gift that she can download right away. When you order, be sure to download your FREE Surviving Summer eBook . This eBook that will save you in the summer is only available for a limited time so download and share with your friends while there is still time. 2. Share it with family, friends, coworkers and followers on social media. Choose the platform of your choice:
Option #1: Post on Facebook: Post about I Need Some Help Here! on Facebook. Click here to share this post on Facebook.
Option #2: Post on Pinterest. Post about I Need Some Help Here! on Pinterest. Click here to repin any of the Pins on my I Need Some Help Here! board.
Option #3: Post on Twitter. Post about I Need Some Help Here! on Twitter. Click here to retweet this tweet on Twitter.
Option #4: Post About the Book on Your Blog When you post about I Need Some Help Here! just send us an email at bronwyn@kathilipp.com with the link to your blog. You’ll then be entered to win one of the weekly prizes!
3. THEN JUST FILL IN THE FORM BELOW TO BE ENTERED FOR THIS WEEK’S PRIZE! You don’t need to do any of the above but we know you’re kind of amazing and will want to give another mom some hope! If the form doesn’t show up, you can use the this version. Next week is our LAST giveaway so come back to enter again!