5 Ways to Make Your Home a Haven
Burning a candle is a sure fire way (See what I did there?) to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home. But that is just one example of the outward atmosphere. We need to think about the heart of a home in order to really make it a haven. Here are five other ways to make your home a haven.
1. By reading together.
The most haven -producing thing I did as a mommy is simply to read to my kids. I even read to my child when he was a teenager!
2. By weeping and rejoicing at the right times.
We are to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. When a child has a difficult day, scoop her up into your arms and cry aongside. When she makes a great choice, jump up and down and celebrate with ice cream.
We’ve lost the importance of outdoor play. Even if it means walking to the park with your kids or swimming alongside them, dare to move beyond the our walls of your home to venture out to see God’s creation.
4. By limiting media.
Steer your children away from mindless interaction with the TV or video games. Set limits and stick to them. Dare to believe your children are creative, innovative kids who can create instead of idly recreate. {click to tweet}
5. By letting kindness reign.
Determine to treat your children and spouse with the same kindness that you would give a stranger that you are trying to impress. Remember it is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance. What makes us think anything different would evoke our children’s repentance?
What is your favorite way to make your home a haven?