~ Proven ways to return fun and flirting to your marriage.
~ Inner assurance to meet your husband’s unspoken emotional needs.
~ Increased confidence when it comes to meeting your husbands sexual needs.
~ New levels of warmth and tenderness in your relationship.
~ A deeper sense of security with your husband.
~ A greater ability to boost your husband’s belief in himself.
The Husband Project is perfect for single sessions at retreats and MOPS groups. Information about this session:
~ This one is for the ladies only!
~ The session can be tailored for 30-90 minutes
~ Kathi will include a Q&A session
~ Presale of the book The Husband Project can offset some of the speaking costs for this session (advance arrangements must be made)
What People are Saying
“Wow! I can’t think of anything more powerful a woman can do for her marriage than The Husband Project. I highly recommend it for every woman. Shhh! It’s a secret, but I’ve already started on The Husband Project to bless my man!”
“Kathi is a natural! She totally engages the audience with her humor, personal stories and practical tips. Her authentic message touches the hearts of women of all ages. Women come away with hope, a renewed sense of respect and love for their husbands, purpose and excitement to start putting into practice Kathi’s amazing, yet totally doable projects. Marriages are strengthened and renewed through her simple, yet powerful message.”