READY FOR ANYTHING: Preparing Your Heart and Home for Any Crisis Big or Small


Below you’ll find all the pre-order bonuses we mentioned, plus a few new resources you’ll be able to utilize right away.

Pre-Order Bonuses

Ready for Anything first 7 chapters
Digital Access

Kickstart to Clutter
Free eCourse

Cooking in a Crisis 2-Week
Meal Plan

5-Day Family Curriculum for
Crisis Preparation


Pantry, Freezer & Refrigerator Inventory Sheets

Non Perishable or shelf stable foods

Don’t Forget to Share with your friends!

Click to download a graphic and share it on Facebook and Instagram. Use #preparednotscared when you post!

Be ready with an entire army by your side!

The Clutter Free Academy Facebook group is our hub for all things “Ready for Anything” related. With a group of more than 10k people, we’ll tackle the projects together, learning best tips and tricks for easy success.  Plus Kathi and members of her team appear regularly for encouragement and to answer your questions.

No need to stress yourself – you have backup!