YOU CAN BE FREE of the clutter once and for all by learning and implementing simple strategies that I know work… because it’s how I got FREE from the clutter was taking over my life.
Why you need the Kickstart to Clutter Free e-course…
– You want to change your world.
– You don’t want to live like this anymore.
– You want to change your life and how you relate to your stuff.
– You’ve decided that it’s time to do something about the “things.”
And that’s great! So let’s capture that energy while the pain is fresh (pain is a great motivator).
Maybe it’s a new year, and you want it to be different than last year — and every year before that.
Maybe it’s the start of a new season (a new job, a new family, a start to the school year), and the pain of your clutter is all too familiar.
Good! Let that desire for change be what carries you through and gets you to a much needed YES! to your overall wellbeing.
I want you to experience the relief and freedom that I have come to live in, and I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT.
It will only take 14 DAYS for you to find what that freedom can really do for you, your relationships, and your sanity!
“What a lifesaver (and home saver, marriage saver, sanity saver, etc.) and a permanent mindset changer! A powerful tool with step by step instructions on how to clear clutter, reset our way of handling and valuing items in our home, and get to the root of why we clutter so that we can keep it from accumulating again.”
– Christie MCKay, Amazon Book Review

In this 14 day course you will learn:
– How clutter affects all areas of your life
– A new way to think about your space — and stuff
– The 3 bag–2 box method
– How to organize and declutter in 15 minutes or less each day
– How to utilize the space you have while minimizing the stuff you don’t need
– The motivation to stick with it for 14 days
OK. I hear it too. That little voice saying, “You don’t have time for this.” That little voice is a liar and friends, we’ve let it speak lies to us for too long.
3 minute video + 15 minute projects = 18 minutes
Let’s round up to 20 minutes.
How many minutes did you burn looking for your keys this morning… trust me. 20 minutes for 14 days will save you hours of your life in the coming weeks, months, and years. And the results will be so much bigger than more counter space. Better relationships, less anxiety, saved money, and time to invest in the dreams you haven’t been able to dream for a long, long time.
“I have learned so much through this process about the ways clutter affects not only my house but my body and my mental health too. I am learning to let go of stuff that before had a hold on my life I didn’t even realize. I am so grateful to be on this journey with all of you!” – Robin N
“I was not prepared for the emotional relief that would come from decluttering. I had no idea how much brain space the stress associated with clutter took up. I feel like I have more hours in the day and more energy now that I’m finally free.” – Tonya K
If it’s time holding you back, take an inventory of the time you spend searching for the same thing over and over again. Do you want to stop looking for that thing? For ALL the things?
Is it doubt? “I’ve tried other books and programs and can’t make them stick.” Friend, we all have. But this is a simple system, built for real people from a woman who has lived where you are today. I would never ask you to do something I hadn’t already done and made sure it actually worked. And trust me… it works!
It’s just $25 until midnight Pacific time on September 1.
PLUS, there is a 100% money-back guarantee!
*Note: This is NOT a course intended to make you Martha Stewart (because most of us weren’t put on this Earth to be like Martha!)
Martha makes it look so easy, but we were not cut from the same cloth and thank heavens for each of our own unique abilities and talents. Living free from the clutter that weighs us down leaves us room to be the person we were put on Earth to be.
Because I got a handle on my clutter, I can do things like sponsor my Compassion International kids, run a business, write books, and actually spend time with my husband and kids – undistracted. This is the stuff that makes a difference and brings joy to my life. I want you to experience the joy that is available for you and reclaim the peace in your home!
Kathi Lipp
Best-selling author Kathi Lipp inspires thousands of women each year to strip down their expectations and live with real purpose. With humor and wisdom, Kathi offers hope paired with practical steps to live with meaning.
Kathi has written 20 books, including The Clutter-Free Home, Clutter Free, The Christmas Project Planner, The Get Yourself Organized Project, The Husband Project, and Overwhelmed. She is the host of Clutter Free Academy the Podcast! with Kathi Lipp She also runs the Facebook group Clutter Free Academy where thousands of women (and a few brave guys) support each other in living a Clutter Free life.
She has become well respected on the topics of clutter from a biblical perspective (who knew there was such a thing?). She is a national speaker and is often featured on Woman’s World as one of their “Ask the Experts”, Focus on the Family, MOPS International,, Girlfriends in God and Proverbs 31 Ministries as well as a number of other media outlets around the country.