101 Simple Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him

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If you could find one new way to encourage your husband, wouldn’t that be great?

How about 101 ways?

Kathi Lipp offers a wealth of creative advice that will have a great impact with just a little bit of effort. You’ll discover ways not only to bless your man but also to bless your life together as a couple.

Here’s a quick look at just a few of the fun and simple ways that Kathi (along with some of her most encouraging friends) suggests for showing love to your husband:

  • Brag on him on social media and watch his reaction.
  •  Study up on his favorite team so you can surprise him when you watch a game together (and actually understand what the commentators are talking about).
  • Clean out his car and leave a snack for his drive to work (and not the leftover french fries you found between the seats).

With tons of unique ideas from Fawn Weaver, Shaunti Feldhahn, Sheila Wray Gregoire, Renee Swope, Crystal Paine, Michele Cushatt, and others, 101 Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him will inspire you to nurture your man and foster a lasting, loving, and fun-filled relationship.

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