I know this may feel like a reach, but stick with me.
When I’m feeling overwhelmed, overtired, and stuck, I tend to let the “stuff” (or whatever word you use when you are feeling overwhelmed, overtired and stuck – don’t worry – I won’t be offended…) build up in my life. I don’t deal with problems in my relationships, I don’t deal with the piles in my house, and I don’t do the self-care that is needed (reading my Bible, praying, hanging our with people who fill me up,) to stay healthy. Instead, I put things off until I feel like dealing with it.
It’s the same with my bag.
When I feel crazy busy, I tend to let the junk build up in my purse. Instead of dealing with the receipts, returns, broken pens that are leaking, melted lipsticks that are staining, I just pile more stuff on top of it all, waiting for the magical time I’ll have to deal with it all.
Heavy bags lead to sore shoulders, lost time looking for things, and a sense of feeling out of control.
Heavy lives lead to brokenness, sickness, and feeling out of control.
When I’m feeling that way, I need to take small steps to get back to healthy. I know that cleaning out your bag may seem really, really small, but it can help. You can go change the world when you can find your car keys on a regular basis.
I am a bag addict and yes my bags can get filled with stuff. I would love a new bag too :).
I did it! My purse now feels much lighter and cleaner! Thanks for the motivation, Kathi!
Count me in Kathy!! You reminded me of my procrastination of the important things in my spiritual life. I have taken the 1st step today and my load in my heart and my purse is lighter. Thank you for your faithfulness to His Kingdom.
i actually read this one in time to do it! so exciting! (i get online about once a week and always read about these too late). I did it! My bag is lighter and maybe healthier too. there was a discussion on air 1 radio this morning about a study that said that there is more bacteria in most handbags than in some toilets because of how infrequently we clean them out. Gross, but very timely, as it coincided with your post, kathi. ;>
Did it this morning, and it happens to be Wednesday!
I agree, my purse, kitchen table, and dresser reflect my spiritual state.
This is totally true- for me it is my work tote that I haul back and forth, back and forth- it is time to purge- right now!!
What happens when your house looks like that…
Hey! I do so need to clean out my purse…interesting as I have never equated the two–spiritual life and purse but I can totally see the connection. Thanks for the reminder. Clean purse and do quiet time today! 🙂 Appreciate you!
I’m in! Recently got a purse organizer so I can always find my items regardless of the bag.
I’m in! I’m the Queen of Clutter….everywhere, always nest-building! Thanks for the insightful reminders! Blessings!
“Small steps to get back to healthy”….I love that and it is so true. I’m ready!
Totally agree on all points….I changed AND cleaned out my purse today and it made my day better!
My purse is cleaned out nightly – I have to find the sippy cups before we sit down to dinner, which then makes me clean out whatever receipts, crumbs, etcetera have accumulated there throughout the day. However, my clutter spot is my work tote. I’m a teacher, and all sorts of papers, pencils, assorted desk supplies, and the like find their way into the bag and don’t come out for days, sometimes even weeks. I get so frustrated with how heavy the tote gets, how I can’t seem to “let go” of a paper or item that “I might use” in the classroom….it overwhelms me. So, spurred on by your post, I cleaned it out today and my tote felt 5 pounds lighter leaving school!
I think my purse and my mini-van both reflect my “inner workings”. Last week I cleaned out the van and collected a Build-a-bear box 1/2 full…. Not good! But turning it around! Or trying!
Count me in! I’ve got a diaper bag that I use for a purse, does that count? 🙂 It piles up too lol.
I agree 100%.I would love to win that tote with all your books.I’m in!
monk5 at charter dot net
When I carry a larger purse the more stuff I stick in it. If I don’t clean it out daily it becomes a mess. And I sell purses.
I’ll join the party! I think I can, I think I can…
Love it!!! I totally agree. When my life is stuff you can see it all over my house, car, purse and ect. It just adds to feeling more overwhelmed. Thanks for the motivations for today!
Thank you so much for the inspiration and wise perspective, Kathi! I agree with you…the state of my purse is actually an external indicator of the internal state of my life. I’m feeling motivated now to tackle my purse…and maybe even the diaper bag and the car! 🙂 Thanks for the amazing giveaway, too…you are so generous!
Dear Kathy,
You always read the heart of us ladies. God has blessed you with such insight!!
My purse like my house if it is in disarray I emotionally feel in disarray. When I read your message. I was so blessed. Many times I let myself feel like I am the only one this is happening to and feel a mess!! That is why having someone like you speaking real life to us helps!!
Recently my brother passed away. I couldn’t really attend to my house ,my purse, taking care of just life for a while……
He was an amazing Christian so I know he is home with The Lord . Trying to get life back to normal…. I went in my bedroom and DUMPED!! Out my purse.
Picking one thing up at a time, heading for the garbage or back in my purse. I methodically picked up each piece . When I was done. I just held it in my arms gave it a hug . I felt like it was a step in the right direction.
So you can see how blessed I was to read your message today. I just said,
God Bless you for being so real!!!,
Thank you for your encouragement…I am sorry for your loss, may God continue to comfort you and continue to guide you.
Ok, I’m in. Maybe the thought of this for later in the week will help motivate me to get something done today. 🙂
Awesome!!! I would love to be the lucky and improved owner.
Good habit to start! Thanks for the giveaways!!
Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to read your books. Thanks.
Great idea and giveaway! Thank you!
I switch purses out all the time to match whatever i’m wearing. Today I have all the purses I carried last week in my office to clean out on my break 🙂
If that is the case, I am in deep trouble. My purse looks like the inside of a garbage can! Count me in, I need to start somewhere…….maybe a new purse and a fresh start would help!
I’m in! And I’ll see you tomorrow at CV MOPS!
Love the post. I’m in need of a new bag and there are a few of your books I don’t have…the rest I’d donate to my church’s library at Bridgeway in Rocklin!
To begin, my purse came from goodwill… story of my thrifty hand-me-down, reduce, reuse, recycle life! And yes, my purse is a bit cluttered so I’ll participate and clean it out! 😉
Story of my life! Thank you for assuring me I’m not the only one!!! Now about that beach tote giveaway……. 🙂
I was just looking at my purse this morning Thinking how i need to get “my” purse back.
Here’s how I knew it was time to clean out my purse. A few weeks ago, at church, I reached into my purse for a pen…and pulled out my 11 year old’s bra. Now it’s not all that unusual for me to find socks in my purse, but this was the first time I’ve found a bra there. So I will join with you on Wednesday and clean out the purse again. I’ll be sure to share if I find anything that beats the bra.
oh my that is funny!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Great reminder. I use a small cross-body purse so there’s less room for stuff to pile up!
I too will be joining you! I search my bag everytime I go to the store for cards or change. Thanks for the challenge
I will be joining you. I just got back from a weekend vacation and I don’t even know what’s inside my purse.
I just got a new pink camo purse and matching wallet both have crosses on them it is so me! But I already need to do a clean out/organizing session so I’m putting it on my to do list for weds priority category! It is awesome that this became a challenge bc ppl just don’t think abt things like this with their busy lives.
I wld live to win ur books!!!
Leslie Wilson
For years, I’ve been living out of a coin purse measuring maybe 4″x6″. It holds all my cards, cell phone, chapstick, and a wee pen. I just purchased a “big girl purse” last Friday and it’s already weighing me down. Your blog post has encouraged me to return to my small purse and be who I really am – not a purse carrying mama! (Besides, diaper bags and mini vans can carry the rest of the stuff, right?)
Just what I needed to hear this morning. Thanks for jumpstarting my week for me. I will definitely be joining you on the 15th.
Fascinating idea. I need to clean out my purses. I actually did it fairly recently, and yet, I have 3 different boxes in my purse right now! (for two different OTC medicines) And that is w/o looking! I’ll mark the day!
WOW Thank You for this simple fresh start.. . Im excited… who knew that something soo simple could motivate me and get me going.Thank You for your continued encouragement. I appreciate you. I am not sure how to win.. But I would love to be entered into your contest to win… Thank You
Sharon – sorry I wasn’t clear. I’ll put the post up on Wednesday, and when you’ve cleaned out your purse, let me know and you’ll be entered!
Wow! What a great idea! Not only do I have ONE purse to clean out, but I’m afraid (and ashamed) there are about FOUR! Awesome incentive to get my holes, I mean purses, back in shape. Thanks!
I have been putting off cleaning out my purse for weeks (ok, months). I am also guilty of the multiple bag issue. In my head it means I am being more organized and reducing the amount of ‘stuff’ I carry, but I really just increase the clutter in my house and car. I am definitely going to clean out my purse by Wednesday and will make it a goal to clean out a bag a day this week, so I can work towards a clutter-free (or at least clutter-less) house and car. Thanks for the opportunity to win the bag and books.
Thank you for the great idea Kathy! I will be cleaning out my purse. 🙂
Awesome, will be doing the project with you on Wednesday!
Yes! I will be cleaning out my purse with you!
Love receiving your tips Kathi – you are spot on! I saw you speak at an Arizona MOPS group a few years ago and have successfully put one of your books into practice. Can’t imagine what all 8 could accomplish :). Some time is being set aside to clean out my purse on Wednesday – then hoping that triggers momentum to tackle other small problem areas, as well. Thanks for the encouragement and incentive! You are appreciated.
I have put it on my calendar for Wednesday!
My husband and our son just bought me a new purse yesterday and I’m working my way up to a new wallet. I’m tired of toting everything around. It does hurt my shoulder and it’s weighing me down.
This.is ironic! Saturday I had enough! I laid a bath towel on my bed to catch all the debris and dumped my purse out and cleaned it out! I found a million little clips for my daughter’s hair! And all sorts old odd things including two bread bag clips, broken sunglasses, a leaky pen ;), the list goes on!
If you saw my bag, the outside and inside, it would be shocking. The inside is ripped and torn, one of my handles is broken, and the clutter inside is a mess. I just keep telling myself I will get a new one soon. Hopefully I will have my new one on Wednesday, but even if I don’t, I will clean it out. Thanks for the push!!
This is so me!!! I will definitely be cleaning out my bag on Wednesday!!!!!
I just took the time to clean out my bag. This was convicting. I’d love to win the bag and books. They would be so helpful to make a shift in my life. Thank you.
This is an intriguing — and convicting — post, Kathi!
My problem? I don’t have just one bag. I have many. I have one for PTO. I have my purse or purse(s) depending on the day. I have my lunch bags (that tend to accumulate unemptied….ewww). And I have my church bag. Not to mention I tend to use the cloth grocery bags when I do a sweep through the house. Load things up….put it in a bag….stash the bags somewhere. Thankfully, I don’t have anything scheduled on Wed. The bag design matches my 31 bags almost identically. 🙂
I just cleaned out my purse and wallet, it was refreshing! So I understand!
I usually only clean my purse when I get a night or day out without kids bc then I don’t need that extra pull-up in there or the little Lego men! Really need to clean it out more often though bc not very often I go out without my boys! Would love those books the bag would be an awesome bonus!
My purse stays very tidy, but my bedroom…ugh! I hate it! Cute bag. And I would love to have a copy of each of your books.
It’s true. Not paying attention to details(like shoving more stuff into bag rather than deal with it now) can clutter us up so much that we clutter God out! So, in honor of your suggestion, I not only cleaned out my purse, I changed over to a more summery one, AND cleaned out my bulging wallet as well! Thanks Kathi!!
I get the analogy – when my life is chaotic my bag reflects it! Would love these books as aids to finally get things organized!!
I have some major bag-cleaning to do in life! I’d love the chance to have some of your books to guide me through it.
I would love the bag but most of all would love the books. Thanks for offering this great give away!
I was just looking around my house this weekend and thinking, “It’s time”…meaning…things have got to be gone through, sorted and gotten rid of. Your challenge could not have come at a better time. I totally get it so I’m in!
For me it’s not my bag – I carry a tiny wallet – but it’s my car! Oh my goodness, it can get get scary! Love the opportunity to win the books and bag – especially The Get Yourself Organized book. We are moving in one month and I have big dreams about this house being organized!!!!