Part of taking care of our husbands, or anyone else, for that matter (mommies listen up here) is taking care of ourselves. We’ve all heard that when there is an emergency on an airplane we must first put on our own oxygen mask before doing so for our loved ones. (How can we take care of anyone when we are passed out on the airplane floor with only a bag of peanuts to cushion our fall?)

It’s impossible to make other people the top priority on your list when you don’t even show up on the page.

So your add-on project today is one that is all about YOU. Today, set aside time (even if it’s only two minutes) to go into your bathroom, find one of those bottles of lotion you received as a thank-you gift, and lay it on thick. Do your arms, your elbows, your heels; everywhere that’ll feel good and just a little bit luxurious.

While this add on is all about you, there will be double return on your time investment. You husband will get a softer, smoother, and more relaxed wife.