Friends – meet my friend Dineen. Here is  her story about praying for her husband and the plans God has for his life.

My husband doesn’t know God. He’s a great guy, but he just doesn’t believe God exists. Yet there I stand in this marriage with this man I adore, and I see God’s plan for his life all around him.

And I love that I’m part of that plan just as I know my husband is part of God’s plan for me. My husband’s work, his challenges and trials—I see them all coming from God’s loving hand to bring him into a relationship with Christ.

Several years ago God impressed upon me to pray for my husband as if he were already a believer. As I started this journey I began to see that, aside from his greatest need to know Jesus, his day-to-day needs were much the same as a believing husband.


Each January I set a time aside to seek God for specific needs and Scriptures to pray for my family, and each year God is faithful to give me a specific verse or verses to pray for my husband and daughters. Each time reveals a piece of God’s plan for my husband, like pieces of a puzzle, and with each piece, I learn to trust God’s plan more and more.


This is the verse God spoke to my heart to pray for my husband in 2012:

and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. — Ephesians 3:1

What a powerful truth from God’s Word! Because no matter where we are in our faith journey, it’s all about God’s unfailing and life-changing love.


Lord, help my husband to fully understand Your amazing and passionate love for us. Fill him with this fullness and revelation of You and help him to firmly establish his identity in You. I pray that Your love will be the guiding force in his life, whether he sees it or not. In Your name, Jesus, amen!

Dineen (who blogs with Lynn Donovan over at would like to give away her newest book, The Soul Saver, to one of my commenters. Jus tell me that you prayed for your man, and you will be entered to win.

In addition to writing for Spiritually Unequal Marriage, Dineen Miller has won several prestigious awards for her fiction. She’s also a C.L.A.S.S. Communicator and has been featured on the Moody Radio Network, Family Life and Focus on the Family Radio.Married for 24 years to a guy who keeps her young, she lives in the Bay Area with her husband and two adult daughters, who surprise her daily with their own creativity.