This is not a blog about about Real Housewives, business, or low-calorie alcohol. However, it ‘s a blog about following the path that God has for you.
So why am I writing about someone who is famous for Real Housewives, business, or low-calorie alcohol?
Because when you do figure out what God’s next step is for you, we need to use every resource and brain cell that He has given us to make that plan a reality. And this woman, has used a lot of brain cells.
When I talk about what I do for a living, I can no longer say “writer”. Writer doesn’t even begin to describe what I do. Yes, I write books, but I also speak, coach, network, market, and have products beside my book. You can call me an author, but I think the term “Authorepureneur” is a little bit closer to including all my activities.
It is the same for you and what you are trying to accomplish in life. If your leading a Bible study, it’s not enough to be a good teacher. The best leaders are also:
- Marketers – they know how to advertise a class
- Networkers – they know how to make connections and keep those women coming back for more
- Social Media experts – keeping in touch and starting a Facebook page to keep in touch only adds to the study
- Ministers – managing the needs of her group
- Party Planners – someone has to bring the snacks to keep those women coming back
- Child care coordinator – nuff said
If you are a bible study leader, a ministry leader, a children’s ministry leader, a MOPS coordinator, your son’s room mom, or just a mom, multiple skills are required to make a success of your endeavor.
So here is are my questions that I would love for you to answer below:
1. What are you trying to do? Go back to school, start a business, lead a ministry?
2. What is something you need to learn to make you more successful (or get your started) on that God project?
If you are a speaker or author, check out my upcoming teaching session on building your platform.
Just to encourage you, perhaps you could start a Bible study group in your home for women? Or just a morning coffee at your home or a coffee house, where you could meet and chat about the needs of the specific women in the community. Look outside the church.
I have a passion for and feel God’s calling to do women’s ministry. Unfortunately my church has no interest in women’s ministry, no interest in serving and providing resources for the women of our church. So I’ve turned everything over to God…and I’m holding this dream, this passion with open hands. Perhaps this means leaving this church and finding a church that believes in women’s ministry, perhaps it means finding ways to serve and use my spiritual gifts outside the church. I don’t know what God has planned but I do know that I have surrendered it all to Him. I’m listening to His calling and trusting that He will provide ways for me to use my passion and gifts.
1. I am going back to school to do something that I have dreamed of doing for 16 years. Since I was a little girl I always dreamed of being a cosmetologist. God has shown me that now it’s my time. He has provided so much and has made it very clear that now is the time. I am struggling to keep my scentsy buisness going. It too is something that I love and am passionate about
2. I need to learn how to market myself to be the best at both of these things. I am such a horrible procrastinator and give up to easily when I’m not seeing rewards/benefits coming in. I would like to find someone that can help me with this. marketing, determination and self doubt are my main road blocks. A life couch or couch of somekind would be a place to help me start.
Thanks so much, Kathi, for all your encouragement!
I’m still trying to figure it all out. Every time I read an interview with her or watch her, she’s very focused and makes sense. I’m not a big fan of the Housewives shows. I’ve watched just enough to know it’s not very focused or makes any sense.
Yeah Stacy – I couldn’t watch the RHONY because the rest of the women drove me batty. And I didn’t watch her show at first because I was afraid it was more of the same. But I really love the show and her focus. It was funny, my husband Roger was the first to say to me, “You and I are a lot like them…” I thought he was crazy, but he meant that we make being partners in ministry/business and in life work.
My husband and I are following the Lord’s call on our lives to become more active in overseas missions, specifically with orphan care. Our first trip is in four weeks, to Eastern Europe. God has been developing an amazing network of people for us, and I know He’ll lead us by His Spirit in our time, as far as what to say, how to share His heart, and also to continue to build our relationships. I’m working on reading all I can about some of the issues of that impact this ministry: the orphan crisis, HIV/AIDS, human trafficking, and I need to be diligent about time in God’s Word and prayer, especially. And I have a ton to learn about how to be a savvy international traveller, because I’m a homebody and an overpacker, and I definitely fear making “ignorant American” faux pas without even realizing it, so I feel like I have a TON to learn about missions work. Fund raising is something I don’t find as a natural comfort zone, either, so God’s stretching me and helping me in that area. In fact I recently got to use my background as a nail salon owner in my former life to guest blog on our newspaper’s beauty blog about a fundraiser I’m doing this Saturday, doing Shellac nails at an area salon to launch this service, and I’ll be working all day there to raise money for our trip – and the channel 7 news is going to cover the story, so I’m seeing how God is giving us a means to make much of Him even in things like fund raising, which I don’t particularly enjoy – although I’m asking for help enjoying it, because it’s part of missionary life! I’m also asking Him for a way to do it ongoing, so it’s not so many little fund raisers constantly.
I also have a new volunteer position as Project HOPEFUL’s Maine Associate, so I have a lot to learn about advocating for orphans living with HIV and supporting thier families and coordinating educational efforts and fund raisers here in my state. Lots of networking, praying, and also figuring out how to use Word Press instead of Blogger for the state blog.
(If any of you are chasing dreams, and have not read Kathi’s “The Me Project,” I think you ought to add that to your list of things you could do that would help you with becoming successful in the goals God’s creating for you. I can’t say enough how the 50/50 journal motivates me to go from dreaming to doing!)
Shannon – i love what God is doing with you and your husband – you are both God’s rock stars.