Who knew that so many men needed some flirting in their lives?

Over 60 (!) of you signed up for the 5 Day Flirting Challenge. I am blown away! And it’s not too late: If you have a friend who you want to challenge along with you, send her over here and she can flirt along with the rest of us!

So how bad did I need this in my own life? Just last night as I was falling asleep, Roger said, “Thanks for all the extra attention this weekend. It’s been so nice…” (And all I could think of was that I gave him an extra hug in the morning. Yikes. The poor boy has been way deprived…)

So today, all I want you to do is leave a post-it somewhere where only he will find it (and he doesn’t have to find it today.) Write something fun, something flirty. Here are 21 suggestions from the book THE HUSBAND PROJECT

  • I’m praying for you today.
  • Those jeans are really working for you…
  • I love you.
  • You are the best dad!
  • You’re the kind of husband that makes the other wives jealous.
  • You rock my world!
  • Can’t wait to see you tonight – meet me upstairs…
  • Thanks for working hard to provide for us. I appreciate all that you do.
  • You make me feel beautiful.
  • I thank God for you everyday.
  • How did I get so lucky, being married to a guy like you?
  • You’re great!
  • You make everyday more fun.
  • Have a great day.
  • You’re hot!
  • I feel so safe with you.
  • Smart and good looking – I’ve got the whole package in you!
  • You can be very distracting, you know…
  • Our kids are so blessed to have a dad like you.
  • That smile I wear – it is all because of you.
  • God have blessed me in big ways by letting me be your wife.

And once you tell me what you wrote and where you hid it, I will put you in the drawing for a copy of my latest book THE ME PROJECT

And our winner from Friday is:True Random Number Generator


Chelsea says: