Because if your trying to lose weight, you don’t need to know that you can make a chocolate cake in about the same time as a commercial break. (“You see kids, when I was growing up, you had six whole minutes right in the middle of TV shows where they showed commercials.” “No, you couldn’t fast-forward through them because THERE WAS NO TIVO.”)

With ingredients you probably already have.

It’s a dangerous thing.

But I, your fearless blogger, took a bullet for you and made this for all the boys at the house (I now live with all boys. Even the dog and cat are both boys. But they didn’t get cake.) We are moving rooms around upstairs so that Roger can have an office and I figured when boys clean their closet, the get chocolate.


4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (Microwave Safe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.  Add the egg and mix thoroughly before pouring in the milk and oil in.  Keep mixing.  Add the chocolate chips next and vanilla extract, and mix again.

Put it in the microwave for 5 minutes.It will bubble up above the rim of the cut. Don’t panic! It will be all good.  Remove with a hotpad.

This is what it looks like if you want to eat it all by yourself (after taking this picture, Roger and I put it in separate bowls. See how vitreous I am…)