The second most noted reason for not dating besides the lack of a babysitter was the cost of dating. So here is a quick list of ideas for dating on a budget:

Have some cut of meat in the deep freeze? Find a recipe that has some ingredients you already have on hand and then challenge yourself to make a fab dessert for under $7. cooking together is prefered.  Look at this recipe for Velvet Painting Pie from A Daily Recipe Blog. Um. yum.

  • Two reasonably Tall Drinks at Starbucks.


  • Three Redbox Movies (One guy movie, One girl movie, and one you can agree on…) 2 bags of popcorn and some Crysal Light.


  • Four episodes of The Office on a DVD from Netfilx (this can be free if you finally return that once DVD that has been hanging around your house for a month.)


  • Buying a small bottle of massage lotion from Bath and Body and give each other a 5 minute massage.


  • Have breakfast in bed. The night before get a half dozen of donuts and the newspaper. Set the coffee pot the night before and wake up to the smell of fresh-brewed Columbian Roast and the funny papers.

I would love to have your creative ideas for saving money but still dating. 

Q4U – What is your favorite date to do on a budget?