pita pizzaMr Pita Pizzas

Roger and I are eating these Pita Pizzas a couple of times a week. The Mr. Pita pita is only two Weight Watcher points and so worth it. We pile it up with Safeway marinara (with roasted garlic and onions) low-fat cheese, mushrooms, purple onions and turkey pepperoni. Put them in a 400 degree oven for 12 minutes and voila: Guilt-free pizza. Happy, happy Kathi.



The Kids Are All Right

I am listening to this on the iPod right now. It is a memoir about four kids who lose both parents in a short amount of time. While it is heartbreaking and much of the book so far is how these kids were abandoned and neglected by the adults who were charged to take care of them after their parent’s death, I can’t help but sympathize with the grown-ups who had to deal with these bratty, spoiled, and entitled kids. (I know that was not the desired effect of the authors.) Regardless,  it is a very entertaining read and my dog is benefiting by longer walks so I can keep listening.


thebachelor_pavelka_jake The Bachelor

OK don’t hate me – but I am in that gray area of knowing that this show is COMPLETELY ridiculous but that it’s like a car wreck that I can’t look away from.

I posted one little comment on Facebook about the crazy that is The Bachelor (full disclosure, I think I have seen 3 or 4 whole episodes in my life) and had over 50 comments on it.

A lot of you are in the same boat – you just can’t look away. You bachelor regulars – did I just come in on the most overly-produced crazy episode? Or is every week “The most shocking ever?”


Q4U: As you can see, I am lacking much of spiritual substance at this point. In the comments, please give me a glimpse of some of your current obsessions this week, and then do me a favor – tell me about anything you are reading that has any spiritual depth whatsoever. I need to be redeemed after watch Jake ask for his rose back.