In continuing my week of favorites, below are my favorite 5 blogs of the year.


The Four Hour Work Week :: Tim Ferris

Tim is the author “The Four Hour Work Week” and is one of the biggest thinkers I have ever read. I don’t follow all of his advice (as a health nut, he would probably try to get me to run a marathon and eat powerbars.) However, as I embark on new adventures in my life, I need to surround myself with some big thinkers to show me not what is impossible, but what is possible. Here is a typical post from Tim about Christmas gifts that changed his life:  13 Christmas Gifts That Can Change (or Save) Your Life.

But one of my favorite posts is about a girl who came out of the Amish way of living. Not one of his typical posts, but again, made me think in ways I hadn’t before. You can read it here.


CBA Rants and Ramblings :: Rachelle Gardner

If you are a writer (doesn’t matter what kind of writer) you should be reading Rachelle’s blog. Upfront, I will tell you I am biased because she is my agent. But don’t take my word for it as Writer’s Digest has her listed on the 101 best websites for writers. Not too shabby.

What I love about Rachelle is that she can get a conversation going. Check out her posting on self-publishing.


Marla Taviano

If your best friend wrote a blog, it would be like Marla’s. It makes me warm and happy.  Here is one of my favorite postings by her and her obsession with scrabble letters.


Jennsylvania :: Jen Lancaster

If your snarky, disgruntled, cranky, rated PG13 friend wrote a blog, it would be like Jen’s. Check out her hilarious recent posting on the Twlight craze, Jennsylvania edition of New Moon.


I Can Have Cheezburgers


The above picture can be found here.

These cats make me happy. If I am grumpy, Roger suggests I head over to LOL catz.


Last week, as my assistant and I were talking about my top 5 favorite blogs, she asked if I had ever seen (a really funny site she said I must check out.) Intrigued by the name, I clicked on it and am now horrified I will see a picture of me on there one day!

What are some of your favorite blogs this year? Please share so that others can get inspired, spend hours laughing or start dressing better when they head out to the store!