Kathi sits down with Jami Amerine, author of “Sacred Ground, Sticky Floors,” to talk about one of her blog posts that went viral over night. Jami shares the positive and negative reactions to this “rant” as she calls it, when she realized she didn’t want her kids to go into the world not having compassion for others.
Jami says the idea popped into her head shortly after her last foster child was placed in her home. “God showed me it wasn’t all about me…in the midst of all of this…I was in an if-then relationship with Jesus. If I do this…then you’ll do this.”
Kathi and Jami share an in depth conversation about how the shift happened with Jami going from an if-then relationship with God to a relationship of knowing God loved her no matter what she was or wasn’t doing.
If you want to check out the blog post that launched it all, visit Jami’s site here.
Enter to Win!
Enter to win a copy of Jami’s book! One lucky winner will win the grand prize- a Sacred Ground Stick Floors gift basket from Kathi. Go to this blog post to enter.
*US residents only
Buy the book here.
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