There is season for everything. And we, as a society, are terrible at letting things end. Our stuff is no different and can frankly, be the most difficult, yet necessary, ending. How do we say goodbye to clutter, when we have feelings of shame, attachment and doubt attached to it?
Kathi shares deep insight into the reasons why you and I should and can let go of our stuff. We only have so much space, time, energy, and money to use in this lifetime. Kathi wants you to use all of those finite gifts to the best use in your life. How free can we be if we let go of that one thing? Join us this week for four reasons we should say goodbye to our stuff.
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This podcast touched my heart in a big way. Today I’m going through so much stuff to give to someone who needs it because I don’t. After my dad , sister ( only 50 yrs old) and mom passed away ( all within a very short period of time I have held on to soo many of their clothes. At first I did wear some of my sisters things but in the past 2 years I haven’t. They are all hanging in a wardrobe not even looked at. This episode released me to be able to give all these clothes away and not be giving my family away. I have no other brothers or sisters so keeping the clothes gave me some sort of continuous connection. I’m so thankful that God always leads me to read or listen to what I need to hear. I pray He blesses your work abundantly. ?