It’s time for our second idea in our create a custom photo gift series. This week we are featuring a custom photo necklace.
Isn’t this too cute?! These are fun because you can do pretty much anything you want with them – gold, silver, round, square, add charms, black and white… you get it. Make it personal.
The first thing you want to do is decide who you want to make the necklace for. Make your selections accordingly.
What you need:
A favorite picture
* For best results: if printing a digital photo, use a card stock or heavy weight paper and allow to dry at least 4 hours. Spraying your photo with a couple of coats of Polyurethane will also help to ensure your ink will not smudge.
E-6000 Industrial Strength Adhesive
Diamond Glaze (modpodge will also work)
1 plated pendant
1 clear piece in the shape of your choice (make sure to size it for the pendant you are using)
A toothpick or foam brush
X-Acto knife
What to do:
Cut your photo to the shape and size of your pendant/glass piece with your X-Acto knife
Put a small amount of your diamond glaze on the bottom of your glass piece. Using a toothpick, smear the diamond glaze around the glass piece. If using modpodge, brush it on the entire piece.
Press your photo onto the glaze or modgepodge ensuring you don’t move it around. Press out the bubbles. Dry overnight.
Squeeze a SMALL amount of E-6000 onto the pendant then press the glass piece with photo into it. Using the X-Acto knife, remove excess glue around edges.
Attach pendant to your favorite chain.
And you are finished!
This one takes a little more time and preparation than the coasters but its absolutely worth the time and effort!