I’m in recovery… You see, I’m a control freak and I’ve tried everything under the sun to help my husband discover salvation in Christ. For 20 years I’ve shared my married life with my unbelieving husband. And, with all my manipulations and striving I forgot one thing. Jesus doesn’t need my help to save my husband. Thank you very much.

Finally after years of frustration for the both of us, I realized I placed a tremendous amount pressure on myself and my spouse trying to control his journey to faith. After I surrendered my control, peace flooded our relationship.

I trust God with my husband and I know in His perfect timing, God will reveal Himself to my man. And even if your husband is a believer and you are waiting for God to move in an area of his life, you too can know God will bring about His perfect plant. However, the waiting is often difficult. But it’s in the waiting that I’ve learned the greatest secret to peace in my marriage.

I pray.

I bring my husband before the Mercy Seat with Jesus at my side. It is my prayers that have transformed our marriage. And it’s my prayer for my husband that breathes hope, protection and joy into our lives. I pray something like this.

1 Corinthians 13:7 Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Almighty God,

I approach your throne with Jesus at my side, bringing my husband before you. Lord, I ask your favor upon him this day. In some way reveal yourself to him. Let my husband catch a glimpse of the astonishing. Place believing men in his life today, on the phone, at the office, even during his lunch break. Lord, allow your word to seep into his mind and be relentless in your pursuit of his soul.

Father, I ask you to protect him from evil people and evil spirits. Grant him favor and a strong work ethic. Urge him to always be fair and honest and be a man of character.

Bless him richly and Father, reveal your son Jesus to my husband. Open his eyes to see and his heart to know life-change is freely his.

Lavish your love upon him. As I know love always protects, always trust, always hopes and always perseveres. In the p

owerful name of Jesus. Amen

Friends, this is Kathi – I am so grateful for Lynn and her writing partner, Dinnen and their ministry to people who 
are in unequally yolked marriages. Lynn is offering their book,  Winning Him Without Words, 10 keys to Thriving in Your Spiritually Mismatched Marriage to one of you who lets us know they prayed for their husband today. You can use this book yourself, or have it as a resource for a friend who is in this situation. 

You can find Lynn daily at www.spirittuallyunequalmarriage.com