Here are the first seven projects that we are starting on Monday. Take a little time to plan for them today. (And don’t forget the Bonus Project – Sometime next week make sure you plan for some EXTRA special time with your man.)
Project 1
30 Minutes Is All It Takes
Create Some Free Time When He Gets Home
Your Project:
Focus on your husband’s transitional 30 minutes today. Would he like to be left alone to rest and rejuvenate, or does he want some undivided attention from you? The point is to let your husband know you value what he does out in the world, and that he has a safe, loving place to come home to and get refreshed at the end of the day.
Project 2
Back in the Day
Do Something He Enjoyed Before You Got Married
Your Project
Initiate an activity that your husband used to love. Whether it’s his favorite hobby, sport, or pastime, it’s time for you to get involved. Be his buddy today.
Project 3
You da’ Man
Spreading Great Gossip About Your Guy
Your Project:
Say something nice about your husband to someone else. Make sure you tell him what you said, and to whom.
Project 4
Heart vs. Stomach
A Treat Just for Him
Your Project:
Get a food treat for your husband that he’s not required to share with you or any other family member.
Project 5
Text or E-mail Some Sweet Nothings
Your Project
Send a flirty text or e-mail to your husband.
Project 6
A Little Hands-on Attention
Meeting Your Husband’s Physical (Touch) Needs
Your Project:
Do something to help your husband enjoy physical touch. Find something that will help him relax. New pillows, massage lotions, a back rub…your choice. Make it something that both of you will enjoy.
Project 7
Trophy Wife
Looking Goooood for Your Man
Your Project:
Do one thing to look nice just for your guy. It can be clothing, hair, or makeup
Mica – I’m pretty sure it starts on the 12th.
This will be a neat experience. I am looking forward to it. But I am confused. What day are we on? Has it started?
Sounds there are going to be some happy hubbies aorund! Who knows what this might do for the economy! LOL!
how do I get a picture to show up in the sideways G?
My hubby is off next week so this should be fun and a half!
Okay – I think I have a plan – we shall see – may have to twist or trade a couple to get them into the week around kids schedules etc… that’s okay right?!
I would love to win a copy of your book and would love to lead a group of women in the adventure and joy of loving their guy!!! If you have another contest I would love to be entered into it!!
THanks for your passion,
Vicki Limes
I am so excited about this. My Hubby willbe having a very long week at work next week. I hope this helps him!
That’s funny, I did the heart vs stomach one today and didn’t even know it was on the list!