I was thrilled to see that one of the top 5 reviewers on Amazon.com reviewed The Husband Project. I wanted to share her review (and not just because she LOVED the book…) because she offered some other great resources. Thanks Rebecca!


My husband caught me reading this book…, June 21, 2009


Since I read a lot of books in bed while my husband works on the computer I figured he wouldn’t bother to look at the title of this book. Unfortunately I was wrong, he wanted to know if the book was helping me. Fortunately I’d already tried many of the ideas out on him and he was not aware I was following “the plan.”

I made him his favorite iced butter cookies (food is a big deal in this book), helped him clean the car (I did all the windows in and out), bought some new clothes he liked, made him dinner on numerous occasions, gave him a full body massage to help him relax and went to sports events he loved. I even tried to watch some of his “guy movies.”

The things this book teaches you to do are simple and not very time consuming. How long does it take you to give your husband a compliment or to buy his favorite candy? What does the area of the house you husband sees first on his arrival home look like? I had to change the entryway to make it more appealing. My husband had complained about it before but I didn’t take it seriously until I read the first chapter in this book.

You can read this book in two ways. You could read the entire book, making notes about the ideas you want to try or you can read a chapter a day and follow the 21-day “official plan.” Since I like to read books all in one sitting I chose the former. This allowed me to see the big picture. I also realized I was already doing some of the things mentioned in this book.

The results from this book are amazing. My husband and I are much closer than we were a month ago. This book will help you sexually, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. You may find you are talking more instead of fighting or that you want to spend more time together on a regular basis. For me this has meant that we go walking for an hour almost every day in the evening.

I thought the idea about saying something nice about your husband could be magnified even more if you did it in front of him, say while you were with his family or friends. Giving a compliment in public is so much better than telling an embarrassing story in front of the people he loves. I’ve never done that personally but I’ve heard about it and seen it happen a few times in my life.

While the ideas in each chapter are great, what I really loved is the section called “project reports.” This is a section of the book where people who followed the program tell real-life stories of their success. It is very encouraging to see how “the plan” works in other people’s lives.

I can highly recommend this brilliant book to married women who want to add some spice back into their marriage. Get ready to buy something sexy to wear to bed. I hope the author is writing a second book so she can share some more of her life-changing ideas. So what do you have to lose? Buy this book as soon as you can and get started as soon as possible. This book will change your life in amazing ways. It is recommended that you do “the plan” with two other women you trust. So you can network and share results. I did it on my own and it was still effective. I hope the author intends to write The Husband Project cookbook. She gives a few recipes to get you started and then recommends a few cookbooks. If you are really serious about your relationship I can also recommend:

Cracking the Communication Code: The Secret to Speaking Your Mate’s Language

How to Get Your Husband to Talk to You

The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex

The Love Dare

The Secrets of Happily Married Women: How to Get More Out of Your Relationship by Doing Less

The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife’s Heart Forever

Seasoned with Love: A collection of best-loved recipes inspired by over 40 cultures – these are the recipes I cook for my husband and he especially loves the brownies and butter cookie recipes. All my recipes are also free at my site.

~The Rebecca Review