The For Women Only Conference is in one week and I get to give away a pair of tickets! OK so what if you don’t live in the Bay Area? That’s OK – I am still giving away the books from the conference!


Yes – I am super excited that I get to speak with Shaunti Feldhahn author of For Women Only. She is my Bono – the speaker author rock star that I want to be when I grow up.

The For Women Only Conference is next Saturday, May 2nd, at Calvary Los Gatos Church in Northern CA. To win tickets to the event, or the pair of books, Leave a comment about why one of the men in your life rocks. Could be your son, your husband, a coworker, your dad. We love men and want to see them bragged on. Also put in your comment if you live in N CA and can attend the conference, of just want to be in the drawing for the books.

For more information about the conference (which in my estimation, if you have a man in your life, any man, not just a husband, you NEED to hear Shaunt talk,) go to Girlfriends in Ministry to get more information and to register. The drawing will be on Tuesday.


Oh, and the men have a conference on Firday May 1st for a whole two hours- says a lot, doesn’t it…