By Paula Friedrichsen
We live in a disposable society. It’s now cheaper to buy a new toaster, vacuum, blender, TV, or computer than it is to have the old one repaired. Our frantic pace and enjoyment of new things dictates that we must quickly toss out anything old and obsolete, replacing it with something up to date and appealing. Things just don’t seem to hold their value anymore.
This pervasive attitude has easily translated over into modern marriage. I mean, Tom Cruise did it…Brad Pitt did it…Elizabeth Taylor started it…why not?
Society places great importance on the first stages of thrilling romantic love, as well as the passionate physical pursuits that usually follow. However, the beginning stages of romantic love cannot lay claim to the treasures found in a longstanding, committed marriage.
Married love may not always burn with the heat and passion of that first stage of romantic love, but neither does it burn out easily. And the consistent warmth it provides is there on the coldest of days and darkest of nights.
During this Holiday season of family togetherness — let’s make it a point to actively and resolutely delight in the warmth, stability, and comfort found in our wonderful husbands! Because, while married love may not produce an abundance of goose bumps and fluttery stomachs — the treasure found therein is a blessing beyond measure.
Guest blogger Paula Friedrichsen is a conference speaker and the author of “The Man You Always Wanted is The One You Already Have” (Multnomah 2007). She lives in Northern California with her husband and teenaged daughter.